/Campus conversation turns to rape culture

Campus conversation turns to rape culture

OXFORD – Tensive campus discussions about sexual harassment at the University of Mississippi were sparked by an incident at a Derby Days party. This should be used to create momentum for changing a more pervasive rape culture says Sydney Green, president of Rebels Against Sexual Assault, the Ole Miss student organization. She says that the Derby Days incident isn’t a single issue. Rebels Against Sexual Assault hosted a panel discussion Friday afternoon about rape culture. This is a group of values and social practices that encourage rape. The panel discussion was just one in a series of conversations and meetings that were prompted by sexual harassment allegations at Sigma Chi Derby Days dance contest last week. It was part of the fraternity’s annual philanthropic effort. However, organizers of Friday’s discussion stated that they wanted to concentrate on the culture that encourages incidents such as these rather than the Derby Days competition itself. Abby Bruce, a sophomore, wrote a post on Facebook after the dance competition. She stated that she and other female students were too upset by the provocative questions asked to sorority women to continue attending the competition. Her post was shared over 1,000 times on Facebook by Saturday afternoon. The post was discovered by members of the university administration who referred the matter to the Title IX office. The investigation is ongoing. Title IX is a federal mandate that protects male students from gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment in educational settings. The Friday discussion was attended by approximately 100 students, Clay Wooley, the president of Sigma Chi, and Max Lopez, the vice-president of the fraternity. Buka Okoye, campus NAACP president, and many other students participated in the panel. Wooley said that he has had many other conversations with student groups since the incident of alleged harassment. Wooley stated that he is learning 30 new things each day. “When a group of educated and caring faculty members can come together in this kind of environment, you will hear new perspectives and ideas that you have never heard before. Because I am so humble, I believe I’m picking-up a lot. “I’m starting from the position of ‘I screwed it up’ so I’m open to all thoughts.