Hyde-Smith, Republican incumbent, has had difficulty raising cash and has not built much campaign infrastructure. However, she is counting on President Donald Trump’s proxy support. Espy, who has built a strong campaign like any Mississippi Democrat, hopes to break another racial barrier during his long political career. To learn more about the 2020 Senate race, click on the names below. STUART STEVENS is a best-selling author who is also a long-standing Republican political consultant and has served as a key strategist in numerous congressional and presidential campaigns. Stevens stated, “I think it would be true to say that Mike Espy’s in the business of winning votes.” Cindy Hyde-Smith is not in the business losing votes. PAM SHAW, a strategist who has spent her entire career in Mississippi politics on reaching out to and turning out Black voters, would prefer to be in the business instead. Shaw stated that if you are a Democrat, it is possible to count on older Black people showing up. But you can’t expect them to show up during this pandemic. There are many older Black people in my circle who have not left their homes since March and haven’t missed any of the many elections. “That has to be a very real concern for Espy.” HENRY BARBOUR is a long-time Republican strategist and Mississippi Republican National Committeeman. Barbour stated that Trump voters are more likely in Mississippi to vote than those who want to defeat Trump. “I believe Cindy Hyde Smith has an advantage in Mississippi that she’ll be able to ride with a large presidential turnout,” Barbour said. MARVIN KING is associate professor of political science at University of Mississippi. King stated that Hyde-Smith’s strategy of lying low is safe since she made some mistakes in 2018. King said, “As long you’re polling ahead, even despite not raising much money recently and as long Trump is polling ahead of you, she can just say, ‘I’m a Trump Republican.’ I think her advisers are aware of that.” NATHAN SHRADER is the chair of the Department of Government and Politics, Millsaps College. Shrader stated, “That’s been my impression of Hyde-Smiths strategy, to ride on top of the president.” Think back to the 2018 special election – Donald Trump’s trip. His rhetoric included pretending I’m on your ballot when you vote for Cindy. She doesn’t need to rely on pretending he is on the ballot. D’ANDRA OREY (Professor of Political Science at Jackson State University). Orey stated that George Floyd’s tragic death highlighted the stark racial and socioeconomic disparities that adversely affect African Americans. “Those who view race relations from a more conservative perspective may have interpreted the violence as riots and looting being perpetrated by ‘thugs’,” Orey said. MARTY WISEMAN is a long-standing Mississippi politician and professor at Mississippi State University. Wiseman stated that Espy is a good candidate, but not everything must fall in his favor. “People would need to turn out and vote, who likely haven’t voted since the Obama races of ’08 or ’12.” Please support this work by making a regular donation today to celebrate our Spring Member Drive. This will help us continue important work such as this one.