Jay Hughes (D-Oxford) drafted the resolution titled The Mississippi Economic & Tourism Recovery Act. Bryant signed the bill, which he and other Republican leaders claimed protects religious beliefs from being punished. Circuit court clerks and business owners can refuse to serve married couples of same sex based on religious convictions. Many state and local leaders across the country have banned government-funded travel from Mississippi, and many artists have cancelled plans to perform there. “Our public schools have been placed on life support. Access to healthcare is on life support. Hughes stated that our roads and bridges were crumbling, and called the passage of religious-freedom legislation an example of misplaced priorities. The overwhelming support for the law’s passage at the Legislature makes it difficult to pass the resolution. When asked about negative perceptions of Mississippi resulting from the new law’s passage, Rep. Mark Baker (R-Brandon) said that he wasn’t concerned. “You hear both the good and bad things all the time. Baker stated that he doesn’t have concerns about the matter. Hughes’ resolution was not considered by the House, which adjourned on Tuesday.