March 19, 2020 Today’s Topics: You can find your Mississippi Today COVID-19 coverage here. The world is changing fast. This blog is designed to bring people together, share information and find the silver lining in the chaos. Yesterday I wrote about Jeff Good, a restauranteur who made a valiant attempt to change in the face the growing need for social distancing. It was a wonderful story. It was a great story. The world changed dramatically as it did for the last week. Today, Jeff and Dan Blumenthal sent me a sad note. I was shocked by the information. The impact of COVID-19’s effects is being felt every day. Jackson’s mayor had already closed all bars and restricted restaurants that allowed take-out delivery until the end. Jeff and Dad made an intelligent decision for their employees and customers, but it was a difficult business decision. Knowing Jeff and Dan’s resilience, this was what I expected: I will be the first to line up when they open again. For the past 26 years, Jeff and Dan have been so generous with their time. They’re not the only ones who are struggling. All across the state, local businesses are in trouble right now. Learn how you can help them. They were there for you when your little league was looking for a sponsor, when a charity needed a table to host a banquet, or when a family was in dire need. They are now in dire need. This will all be a team effort. Malcolm White gives us a brief overview of what he’s doing at Hal & Mal’s. If you are downtown, you should take notice of ********* UMMC Press Conference. Yesterday’s video conference was held by the leaders of University of Mississippi Medical Center. (WATCH IT HERE). It lasts about 40 minutes. It is sobering, informative, and sometimes a little scary. They explain exactly what’s coming and what they’re trying to do to prepare for it. They also discuss what to do if you are diagnosed with COVID-19. This is a major issue. In fact, I believe it is one the most pressing issues facing our country. WHAT DO WE DO? These are the questions I am wrestling with in my head. I will research these. Here are the CDC recommendations if you’re sick. The best advice I can give you (remember, that I’m not a doctor): Call your doctor if you are sick. Call the minute-clinic or whatever they’re called before you go to the emergency room. According to the video, you don’t need to go to the emergency department to be tested. If it’s an emergency, go. ********** This was something I wrote yesterday, and I thought I’d repost it here. Charlie called me to check on Patsy and Charlie. They are both 90 and dear to my heart. Today, I’m working on my bed because of all the Charlies out there. Today, I called Charlie. I needed his wisdom and voice to help me. His wife and he are both safe. I believe they will be fine during the outbreak. Their daughter is taking care of them. Charlie is one of my most trusted friends. His guidance has been invaluable throughout my career. His friendship and love have lifted me up on the hardest days. His wife Patsy and he are both wonderful people. I have been so fortunate to have them in my world. Their age is 90 so this is obviously a big risk for them. Charlie has seen many things in his life. His mom lived to over 100 years and stayed at home until her death. Charlie shared something with me that I didn’t know. I don’t think I asked. His sister, who was his mom, died from the 1918 Flu. “She talked about the 1918 Flu a lot.” I’m certain she did. Charlie gave me some advice that I am keeping close to my chest: We have all we need right now. It is simple, but it is very wise. I can’t let me overactive imagination catastrophize. So I won’t. Charlie, thank you. One step at a. One step at a time. This is possible. QUESTION OF DAY: Do you work from home? If so, what type of home office do you have? Here’s my office for tomorrow: And I’ll end this with this: I’m grateful for my family, my health, my job, and you. I will be praying for each of you every day. We will see you tomorrow.