Note uses a racial epithet to refer to Donald J. Trump, the winner of the recent presidential election. The note also contains an indecipherable message at the bottom. Johnson stated that she felt both fearful and incredulous immediately. Johnson shared her fear with Mississippi Today. Johnson said that she doesn’t know many people in the area. Johnson, a Natchez native who has lived in Belhaven’s Jackson neighborhood for around a year, said it felt like they were watching me. Johnson stated that the note was racist and presumptuous. She posted the note immediately to her Facebook and wrote to the mysterious note-leaver, “You don’t even know who my vote was for. You don’t know how I could vote for Trump. Johnson might report to the Jackson Police Department. The incident comes amid anger by many in Mississippi and across the country about Tuesday’s presidential election which saw Trump upset Hillary Clinton and become America’s 45th President-elect. This was the most heated contest in recent history. Trump’s pledge to ban Muslims from entering America, his description and treatment of Black Lives Matter protesters, as well as his statements and behavior towards women, often pit Trump and his supporters against Clinton. Protests against Trump’s ascension broke out in many cities including Chicago and Seattle. Some of these protests resulted in property destruction. In Oakland, some businesses had smashed windows after demonstrations. According to Oregon Public Broadcasting’s, police in Portland had many encounters with self-described Anarchists who broke windows and graffitied buildings. A music journalist created a Twitter montage titled “Day 1 in Trump’s America” Thursday. It features “a collection tweets about racist episodes POC(people of color) are now facing now that Trump has been elected.” One image shows a white woman and man in blackface standing in front of a Confederate battle banner. Other users share stories of racist encounters since Election Day. One user shared that her mother requested that she not wear the hijab, which is a head covering worn by some Muslim women in public. Several incidents on college campuses were caused by hostility towards minorities. These included incidents at Texas State University and San Jose State University. Mississippi’s colleges, universities and schools have been calm. A message reading “Black lives don’t matter” and “Black votes don’t matter” was posted in Durham, N.C. on the intersection’s walls. Mississippi is a place where politics and race are intertwined. In some cases, election season struck a similar tone. The flames set fire to Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville, and the words “Vote Trump!” were spray painted on its sides. Although investigators believe the fire was arsonist-related, they have yet to make any arrests. Mississippi Today heard from Greenville residents that the arsonist wanted to profit from political tensions in the area, as well as racial tensions. “Everyone is wondering if it was hate crime. Clarence Green, Hopewell bishop, said that it was not a hate crime. But I encourage all members of our congregation to vote. And I am a Democrat. We’ll leave this at that.” In downtown Meridian, vandals defaced the E.F. Young Hotel with political messages including “Black Lives Matter,” Trump Vote,” Save the bees and Killary. The Meridian Star reported that three juveniles of color were arrested by police and charged them with property vandalism. The Rev. The hotel was once home to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Rep. Young believes that the vandalism to his family’s hotel was not an isolated incident but reflects the mood of the nation, much like the Greenville residents react to the Hopewell fire. “I don’t believe that anything was specifically targeted at the Young family. It was clearly targeted at the black community, I believe. Young stated that the country was at a great split with the messages Donald Trump has been sending. This statement was made before the election. Young suggested that the best healing step was for the children’s families who were caught injuring the building. However, no such offer has been made. Trump addressed “the wounds that divide” in his victory speech. Trump said to his supporters, “To all Republicans, Democrats, and independents across the nation, I say that it is time for me to call on you all to unite as one united people.” Trump stated that Caitlin Johnson had received 186 comments on her Facebook post and been shared 100 times. Although one person claimed Johnson’s posting the post would cause racial tension, the majority of feedback has been positive. She said, “It makes it feel good that people support me.”