Rep. Bryant Clark (D-Pickens) had requested that the House reconsider a bill consolidating the Holmes County school districts and Durant schools. He represents the district. After that failed, the House voted in favor of Clark’s motion. He then held another bill for a motion to reconsider. His colleagues had to return to work on Thursday. To raucous applause and cheers from senators, the Senate left. Clark’s House bill, also known as the to-go cup bill around the Capitol, would have allowed municipalities and counties to establish leisure and recreation areas where people could transport alcohol containers outside of buildings. The current state law prohibits people from carrying open containers in establishments that do not have alcohol serving regulations. Birmingham, New Orleans, and Memphis are among the Southern cities that have policies that allow open containers to be carried within certain entertainment areas. Clark’s motion cannot be filed until the next legislative session due to House rules. Clark stated that he wanted to convey to the leadership his desire to have members involved in local issues. Clark stated on the House floor, that he had not been consulted about the consolidation issue and that his constituents did not support it. Clark stated to reporters that he was unable to make any requests. The Senate did close its doors. Sine die, or the end of school, is marked by ceremonial proclamations and the adoption of a few conference reports. There was lively debate on some bills, and lots of sitting around, while the leadership teams met behind closed doors. Among the most substantive moves was a bill by Sen. Josh Harkins (R-Flowood) to demantle Jackson’s airport board and create a larger board with more state leaders. Phil Bryant’s desk. Another bill was passed to ban Medicaid reimbursements to non-therapeutic abortion providers. This would apply to those cases where the mother’s health is not at risk if the pregnancy is carried to term, or if it was not the result from rape or incest. Jackson’s bill to create a Capitol complex was killed by the Senate and House members. A measure to include domestic violence as a ground for divorce also failed. Clark’s motion was withdrawn by the House when it returns to Washington at 9 a.m. Thursday. To support this work, make a regular donation to the House today as part of our Spring Member Drive. This will allow us to continue important work such as this story.