/Auditor issues $2,000 demand to UM professor who skipped work to protest racial inequality

Auditor issues $2,000 demand to UM professor who skipped work to protest racial inequality

The non-profit Mississippi News State Auditor Shad white issued a demand for nearly $2,000 to University of Mississippi professor James Thomas. Thomas participated in a two day “work stoppage” in September. Thomas, a controversial sociology professor, was criticized by top Republican elected officials. He participated in the “Scholar Strike” national walkout, in which hundreds protested police brutality, racism, and other inequities at universities. Thomas described it as a “work stoppage” via Twitter. According to the auditor’s offices, the $1,912.42 demand covers $946.74 principal and $965.68 interest and investigative expenses. White stated in a press release that “Concerted work stops” and strikes are against Mississippi’s no strike law. He also said that paying someone to stop working is against Sections 66, 96 and the state constitution. It’s easy: Mississippi taxpayers cannot pay someone if they didn’t provide the service or good they were hired to. READ MORE: A UM professor walked out of work to protest racial inequalities. The state auditor believes he should be fired. White described his office’s investigation of the matter in a Tuesday press release. White stated that auditors found Thomas didn’t return emails to several students during the two-day period in September. White stated that Thomas refused to do his job and tuition-paying students suffered. White said that the university also suffered from the loss of taxpayers and donors. Professor Thomas was shocked to discover he would be called to the podium for failing to perform these duties. He tried to explain it by saying that 100 percent of his job required him to think. . . . White said, “If I’m thinking that I’m working, then I am.” “If an employee of the state auditor’s office came up to me and stated that they would no longer respond to my emails, that they would not perform audits, that they would never be available for calls or meetings, and that this was a temporary work stoppage, but that they would be thinking over it over the next two day, I would not pay him.” READ MORE. Background to Mississippi’s strict law prohibiting educators from striking. White had previously stated that Thomas should be fired by the University of Mississippi. He claimed that Thomas violated the law and should be terminated. The auditor stated in a press release that the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning 12-member board of trustees should consider terminating Thomas. Thomas was unable to be reached by telephone on Tuesday. In a September podcast interview with Mississippi Today, White explained the reasons for the investigation. PODCAST: Shad White, Auditor defends the recommendation that JT Thomas, a UM professor be fired for striking. Thomas has been subject to public scrutiny in the past. Conservatives raised concerns about Thomas’ tweet last year. The state’s college board decided to consider whether Thomas would be granted tenure in a closed-door session. Then-Gov. Phil Bryant offered his opinion, suggesting that Thomas should not be granted tenure. Thomas was granted tenure by the board, but conservatives made Thomas the poster for progressive ideals at the university. On Tuesday afternoon, Thomas’ attorney Rob McDuff at the Mississippi Center for Justice released the following statement: “Due to the pandemic, students’ varied schedules, Professor Thomas wasn’t teaching specific classes last fall. Instead, he provided weekly lesson plans for students that included lectures he recorded, reading assignments and quizzes as well as multimedia content and other materials. He joined other college professors in a #ScholarStrike for two days to draw attention to racism, injustice, and he also worked the weekend before and on the Labor Day holiday to prepare lesson plans. Professor Thomas worked towards the publication of a manuscript during the two-day call for action. He attended classes as usual and was available for students during and after the strike. Professor Thomas did not break any laws and does not owe any money to the State. The Auditor may want to pay Professor Thomas more for personal days, weekends, and holidays that he has not used over the years. We can then discuss whether or not he should be paid any money due to his participation in #ScholarStrike. Professor Thomas is a great teacher who works hard for his students, and who earns his wage.”