Cleveland, a surgeon and CEO of Ridgeland’s Remedy Health, was previously the chief physician and CEO. “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve and to work for the great State of Mississippi, and this esteemed board. Cleveland stated that he is committed to using the talented staff and board to license efficiently, and regulate fairly professionals under his charge.” Cleveland, an Alabama native, completed his residency at University of Mississippi
Medical Center in 2001 as Chief Surgical Resident. The state agency that regulates Mississippi doctors has seen Cleveland step into the executive director role at an unusually high profile time. The agency released a list last fall of opioid prescribing guidelines to help address the state’s growing opioid problem. This list was widely criticized by both state elected officials and health care professionals. It was not an easy job for the two previous Cleveland doctors. A national survey by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in late 2016 ranked Mississippi last in protection of patients from doctor-sexual assault. It was ranked near the bottom of nearly every category of patient-protection laws, including transparency of the medical board. When interviewed by the Journal-Constitution, Board of Licensure executive director Dr. Vann Craig explained that sexual assault was not a deal breaker in Mississippi. Let me just say, it costs a lot to train a doctor. Craig stated that if they can be monitored and rehabilitated safely, there is no reason why they cannot get back to their former selves. Craig resigned shortly after the public disclosures. His successor, Dr. John Hall joined the agency with what he believed to be a mandate to “reform it,” he stated last year to Mississippi Today. He took up the issue of doctor-patient sexual assault as one of his first priorities. Rep. Jeff Smith (R-Columbus), introduced legislation last January that would have made it illegal to have sexual contact between a doctor and a patient. This was legislation he had co-authored with Hall. Many believed that the bill, which would have made it illegal to have any sexual contact with a patient or doctor even if they consented to it, was too extreme. Dr. Charles Miles is the president of Board of Medical Licensure. “I don’t believe that a doctor should have sexual relations with a patient he’s treating. Should it be considered a crime? Miles stated to Mississippi Today, January 2017, that he was not a lawyer or a legislator. The board decided to remove Hall in May. Although members didn’t provide a reason for the decision, Hall said that Mississippi Today was not surprised. “Yes and no. It was a great run. He said that he thought he was more aggressive than — so it wasn’t surprising. “I look at it like the board has the statutory right to end our relationship at any time — and it’s okay with me,” he said. Miles stated that the board chose Cleveland following a nationwide search. He also suggested that the new executive director would lead the Board of Medical Licensure into the future. “In the past year, we went through an extensive evaluation process in order to assess
Improve how we function. We are currently working on regulations that will provide better guidance for physicians regarding opioid prescribing. … I’m confident that Dr. Cleveland
Miles stated that he plans to build upon the accomplishments of the board and take the agency to a level other boards in the country will admire.