Britton, the southern districts public service commissioner, has been working with Watson, a Pascagoula state senator, to compile opposition research for the other since months. It was recently launched by both campaigns. Watson shot the first campaign photo in June mocking Britton’s tweet that Mississippians should have to show identification for voting. As Mississippi law requires that all voters present photo identification before they vote, the tweet was quickly deleted. Watson responded by tweeting a clip from “Dumb and Dumber” in which Jim Carrey’s character declares, “No way, that is great!” Britton then released the first attack advertisement of any 2019 state candidate. Britton’s TV statewide ad, which began on July 8, uses Watson’s endorsement of Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator, in order to raise questions about Trump’s loyalty. “In this campaign, my opponent recklessly attacked me over-and-over. Britton stated that he has remained focused on the issues that are most important to Mississippians and this campaign. “I am proud to have been among the first Mississippi officials to support Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. Watson retorted, “I’m also disturbed by the lengths my opponent went to against Trump in 2016. It started with Gov. Britton was slammed by Phil Bryant at a recent fundraiser in Biloxi. Bryant stated, “The guy that wants Secretary of State other then Michael Watson, he decided he would like to run as a Democrat, then he decided he would prefer to be a Republican,” referring to Britton’s 2003 campaign for the state House of Representatives. Bryant went on, referring to Britton’s contributions to Democrat Ronnie Musgrove in the former governor’s 2003 campaign and the 2008 U.S. Senate election against Roger Wicker. Bryant stated, “Then he wanted money to Ronnie Musgrove in 2003.” “Haley Barbour, Ronnie Musgrove, and you (Musgrove), are running for governor. This tells me something. He’s now running against Roger Wicker in the United States Senate. And you give Ronnie Musgrove even more money. “You just doubled down your stupidity.” After Bryant’s remarks at the fundraiser, Watson campaign released an attack ad that highlighted the same points. The ad points out that Britton missed a debate and asks questions about expenses Britton allegedly charged the state while he was public servant commissioner. Watson said that Britton’s false and misleading attack against me a week earlier is yet another reminder of his campaign, which conceals his background as a donor and candidate for Democrat. He also stated that he believes Republicans should know the truth about his record. Britton served as the public service commissioner since 2015. Britton has been the public service commissioner since 2015. He has not offered any specific policy ideas. Since 2008, Watson has been a member of the state Senate. Watson has been a member of the state Senate since 2008. Watson stated to WCBI that “what we’ve seen over eight to twelve months, the happenings in Texas, California, and other states, illegal immigrant are showing up on voter lists, it’s something we want to address here, make sure that that’s done,” Watson said to WCBI in June.