Bryant said in a radio interview that he was assessing June’s revenue figures and would soon decide if a special session is necessary. “June is our largest month for tax collection. Bryant stated that we could be short for fiscal year 2016. “If that happens, I can call a special session or reach into the Rainy Fund, which is why it’s there, to balance FY16. We will not hesitate to do this. The Legislature is well aware that we must have a balanced budget. We’ll make it happen very quickly and get in and you out if that happens.” Bryant has already pulled $45.2 million from Rainy Day Fund this fiscal to offset lower-than expected revenue. However, he has only the legal authority to withdraw $50 million each fiscal year from that fund. The Legislature would need to meet in Jackson to approve the use of more than $4.8million from the Rainy Day Fund to balance the budget. The Budget Transparency and Simplification Act was passed by lawmakers days before the Legislature adopted the next fiscal year’s budget. This act eliminates inter-agency charges for services and entitles special funds to be swept into the general fund. Attorney General Jim Hood issued opinions last week to three heads of state departments stating that certain parts of the law were illegal, and that the state could not touch special funds of certain agencies. Lt. Gov. Lt. Gov. Bryant said Hood’s views were “unfortunate”, but he acknowledged that the law has “some glitches”. He even compared the difficulties to NASA’s Apollo program of the 1960s and 1970s. Bryant stated, “This is a complete change we’ve made to the budgeting process for Mississippi, which hasn’t worked very well in the past.” It’s likely that a system such as this will have its own problems, much like the Apollo program. “I believe that in the future, you’ll see more accounted for and transparent budget systems. That’s what people want.” To support this work and continue important work such as this one, make a regular donation today to celebrate our Spring Member Drive. Our reporters give a human face to policy’s impact on everyday Mississippians by listening more closely and understanding their communities. To ensure that our work is aligned with the priorities and needs of all Mississippians, we are listening to you. Click the button below to let us know what you think.