Along with other House and Senate members this session, Sen. John Horhn (D-Jackson) sponsored bills to modify the flag. The flag currently bears a Confederate battle symbol. All of these bills were defeated in committee. The rules of both the Senate and House were suspended after the bills failed. Before the bills could be brought to the floor for a vote, they would have to be stopped by Horhn. Horhn will press the business community to support the bill if it is not voted on. This includes some of the state’s largest employers. Horhn has released statements objecting to the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act.” It states that government workers can’t be punished for their religious beliefs. For example, a circuit clerk refusing a marriage license for a same-sex couple. The law in every state allows for this type of behavior. We will be writing letters to all major corporations asking them to stand on this issue in the same manner they did on banning gay couples from receiving services. It’s ironic they are willing to speak quickly on this issue, but have been very silent on the matter of changing the flag,” Horhn said to Mississippi Today following a press conference held at the Capitol. Although the Mississippi flag has been a subject of much controversy for many years, it was brought back to the forefront in 2015 by the mass murder of nine black church members in Charleston. Authorities arrested Dylan Roof, 21, for the crime. Roof was later photographed with a Confederate flag, and South Carolina decided to take down the Rebel flag from its statehouse. Horhn sees a chance to promote not only businesses but also the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCSAA) and the Southeastern Conference. Mississippi is the only state that cannot host NCAA post-season events due to the Confederate battle emblem at the Capitol grounds. Horhn stated that the business community will have to speak out louder and unite around changing the flag. “It is hurting our state for this image to continue flying.”