He sat down on a couch in the living room, with his phone resting on Curtis’s sternum. He still had enough energy to express his emotions after Curtis won the appeal to the highest court of the United States. Archie Flowers asked Archie Flowers, in reference to the famed musician. He belted, “Whoa! I feel good!” Curtis Flowers, now 49, has been on death row for more than two decades fighting multiple convictions for the 1996 murders at Tardy Furniture Store in Winona. Six times Curtis Flowers has been tried by the same District Attorney Doug Evans. The most recent was in 2010. Three of the five previous trials were dismissed, with two being thrown out for misconduct by Evans. In two other trials, jurors failed to reach consensus verdicts. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the 2010 conviction was thrown out. It cited Evans’ discrimination against potential black jurors in the sixth trial. This violated the U.S. Constitution. The high court’s opinion confirmed what many Winona black residents, including family members and friends of the Flowers, knew to be true: Curtis was innocent. The news circulated via word of mouth, social media, and, in the case Pop (a close friend), the SCOTUSblog liveblog. It featured Supreme Court decisions released Friday morning. This elicited exclamations of surprise, joy, and embraces among friends. Flowers’s brother Archie Flowers Jr. said that white and black residents had been congratulating Flowers on the news throughout the day, while Flowers’ nieces and nephews ran through his sister’s home, Priscilla. Archie Flowers Jr. said that Flowers’s brother, Archie Flowers Jr., had been congratulating him on the news throughout the day as his nieces and nephews ran through the home of his sister, Priscilla. The podcast also examined Evans’s tenure in office as DA from 1992 to 1995, and found that he struck potential jurors at a rate of 4.4 times the rate of white jurors. This was over a period of 15 years. Rochell Flowers, Flowers’ sister-in law, said that Evans will be held accountable for the future due to the increased attention Flowers’s case has received. This is despite the fact that prosecutors in the United States are seldom disciplined for misconduct on the job. Evans said to reporters from In the Dark, Friday’s lunch, that there was no doubt about Curtis Flowers’ guilt. It has never been.” Evans’ wife Patsy told the Sun Herald that she was “pretty certain” Evans wouldn’t try the case again. Charles W. Curry was a classmate of Flowers. He left the area three years later. Although he returned to Winona a few years back, he believes that a seventh prosecution would be a wasteful use of taxpayer funds. He said about Evans: “You are not my DA.” Curry was not the only one who spoke out. Two women sat at a local restaurant waiting for their catfish plates while they listened to the latest news. Dorothy Woods, one of the women said, “I’m glad that things have come to light.” “I don’t know what will happen next, but I hope he’ll be a happy man,” Woods’ lunch companion, who did not give her name, stated. The owner of the restaurant joined the conversation. He was also reluctant to use his name or the name of his restaurant, citing the fire at his local pastor’s house just days after Flowers spoke out about it at the funeral of Lola, Flowers’ mother, who died in July. He said, “Because it appears to be normal in this area but deep down it’s very different from it.” The children of Curtis Flowers recalled their mother’s belief that Curtis would be freed. The family is now waiting to see the outcome of the prosecution. On Monday, they will meet with Curtis’s lawyers to discuss next steps. Priscilla flowers said that her brother recently received a flood of letters from investors in the case. She said that he was still reaching out to the outside world via Parchman as of Friday. He was making phone calls to his family and lawyers one by one. People who spoke to him reported that he was a positive person.