Tuesday’s announcement of the schedule was made. The 2017 schedule was announced Tuesday. TSU and Chowan University will be at home, while North Greenville University will be playing on the road. The University of West Georgia will host the Gulf South Conference’s opening matchup on Saturday, September 16. The matchup this year will also feature the annual “Pigpickin’ Classic” contest from DSU. Kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m. The Statesmen will be playing at Mississippi College on September 30. The Statemen will host Florida Tech Saturday, November 11th at 4 p.m. Homecoming is scheduled for the weekend of Nov. 10-11. The complete schedule: September 1, Tarleton State, at home; Sept. 9, Chowan University at home; Sept. 23, at Shorter U.; Sept. 30, Mississippi College, at Mississippi College; Oct. 14, at West Florida; October 21, Valdosta State at home; Oct. 28, North Alabama; Nov. 4, North Greenville U., Nov. 11, Florida Tech home.