Deonte Pate (23), was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with helping other officers cover up beatings of prisoners. He filed false reports and lied to federal investigators. In June, Pate was charged with the two other officers, Lawardrick Marsher (28) and Robert Sturdivant (47). Officials claim that Marsher and Sturdivant punched and kicked the prisoner during the beating. Felicia C. Adams is the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi. She said that Pate had violated both the law and the public trust. “In a closed prison environment we rely upon corrections officers to ensure the safety and well being of inmates,” Vanita Gapta, principal deputy attorney general who oversees the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, stated in a press release. Pate could be sentenced to a maximum of five years imprisonment if he is found guilty of abuse or lying to cover up the abuse. The sentencing hearing is set for March 16, 2017.