To make the order work, a renter must sign a declaration to their landlord, or property manager, to confirm that they are subject to the order. The Kentucky Equal Justice Center has developed a computer program that allows those facing eviction to sign and submit the CDC document online. They can then email it to their landlord. You can use the tool by clicking here. Some judges from the justice court, who are responsible for evictions in Mississippi, are more proactive and inform tenants about the possibility. Others continue to do business as usual and only consider the CDC order when it is presented. In the past two weeks, Hinds County saw 260 evictions as well as 78 warrants for removal. The CDC has issued a nationwide eviction ban that went into effect on Sept. 4. However, it is only effective if the tenant requests it. — Anna Wolfe (@ayewolfe) September 17, 2020 The order covers people who: 1) earned less than $99,000 in 2020, 2) are unable to pay rent due to income loss, a layoff, or extraordinary out-of-pocket expenses, 3) are making their best effort to pay what they can, 4) have made their best effort to secure other government assistance for rent or housing (such as the Rental Assistance for Mississippians Program (RAMP)), and 5) face homelessness if they are evicted. To invoke the CDC order, Mississippians facing eviction can fill out this form: