House Speaker Philip Gunn (R-Clinton) said that it would be “double-dipping” for the freshmen legislators to continue their service in the Legislature while also receiving retirement pay. Dale Goodin, a Republican from Richton who was elected to the House in 2019, said that “we earned this retirement” but that Gunn isn’t changing his mind. Goodin, a retired educator, said that if we (public employee retirementes) serve it will actually save money for the Legislature. Other than Goodin, three other members could be affected by the impasse with speaker: Billy Andrews, from Lamar County, who was a member of the House in 1970s and 1980s, and then served as a judge in youth courts and county judges; Ramona Blackledge (retired Jones County tax assessor-collector); and Jerry Darnell (retired educator in DeSoto County). All of them, along with Gunn, are Republicans. They believed they would be able serve in the legislature and receive their retirement benefits. The Public Employees Retirement System Board, which began work in 2019, removed a long-standing rule that had prevented retired educators and state and local government retirees from drawing their monthly pensions while in office. The final step in removing the regulation was taken by the PERS Board in December. Gunn now says that PERS’s action is inconsistent with state law. He also said that he opposes the regulation because legislators will receive two checks from the state: one for their legislative pay, and one for retirement. Gunn stated that it was wrong for taxpayers to be required to fund both. The regulation by PERS allows legislators to draw their retirement benefits if they draw only a portion of their legislative pay, which is either 50 percent or 25% of their highest four years as government workers. This regulation is consistent with state law regarding reemployment for public employees working in other government jobs. A person who has been retired from the Department of Transportation, or from teaching in public schools could be allowed to return to part-time work in another government job. Andrews and Goodin claim that the speaker indicated that the House Management Committee, on which Gunn is a member and which is presided over by Jason White, R.West, who is a key Gunn ally and serves as the Speaker, would not agree to reduce their legislative pay. They will lose their retirement benefits if they are paid their entire legislative salary. The legislative pay is approximately $10,000 per session, and $1,500 each month when they are not in session. They also receive a per-diem. Blackledge stated, “I am shocked that we aren’t being supported by leadership.” “I feel that this is an injustice to District 88 people and circumventing them vote.” Blackledge defeated Gary Staples (also a Republican) to win the District 88 seat. Andrews stated that he and the three other members ran for office knowing they could serve their retirement and continue to serve. PERS could have rescheduled January if they had not approved the December regulation change. Andrews wrote to his fellow members that “PERS established the policy and regulations” and would not have done it if it violated the law. Andrews stated that “this change is here” and that if Gunn doesn’t allow the members to receive a reduced salary, he might file a lawsuit. Other options include resignations, serving while losing their retirement pay, or changing the law so that retired members can still serve in the Legislature and get their pension. Andrews stated that it was unlikely that the law would be amended if the speaker opposed the change. Because they don’t want to be perceived as opposing the speaker from their party, the freshmen members were reluctant to talk about it publicly. Andrews stated that the speaker had indicated to him that the entire issue was initiated by ex-Democrat Attorney General Jim Hood in order to elect Democrats to the Legislature. Lynn Fitch, the new Republican Attorney General, might have a different opinion. Hood ran for and lost a 2018 election for governor. In 2018, Hood issued an official opinion stating that the PERS Board violated existing law by prohibiting their retirees serving in the Legislature or drawing their pension. PERS regulations were based on a law that stated that PERS retirees could serve in local elected office, such as city councilor or supervisor. PERS argued that legislators were not included in the law because it does not mention them. Hood’s office points out a state law that allows public employee retirees to work part-time in any government job. Because many legislators also work in other fields such as lawyers, funeral home directors and farmers, the office of legislator could be considered a part-time position. Andrews claimed that the speaker wants to stop them serving, as the Democrat Hood issued the ruling. Andrews stated, “This is Washington politics being brought before Jackson.” “Just because it was written by a Democrat does not make it wrong. It failed to achieve its goal of electing Democrats. Many pro-education groups applauded the changes in PERS regulations. Retired educators could serve as legislators, which they said would be a positive. Although only two of the four House members who are now serving because of the PERS ruling were retired educators, many education groups support all four. Goodin stated that it was almost as if the House leaders don’t want us (retired educators) here. The retirement system is a benefit for most employees of state and municipal governments, as well as public K-12 teachers and university employees. They contribute 9 percent of their salaries to retirement benefits. PERS data shows that the average benefit for more than 100,000 beneficiaries is more than $23,100 per year. According to the AG opinion, there are more than 300,000. These people either receive benefits or have paid into the system.