Hood is concerned about Google’s access to illegal activities on the internet, such as teenage prostitution, illegal prescription drug purchases, and illegal pirating of movies and music online. Hood attacked Google Monday in a press conference, calling it “arrogant” while comparing the state’s dealings on the internet with “negotiating with teenagers”. Hood subpoenaed Google in October 2014 for information that he claimed contributes to illegal activities, such as the promotion of drug sales, and the ease of music and movie pirating. Hood subpoenaed Google for information, but Google sued Hood in federal court. Google claimed that it could not be held responsible for the content of other users’ posts online in court filings. This is according to a 1996 federal law, called the Communications Decency Act. According to Google spokespersons, Hood’s subpoena was used to censor the Web. In 2015, a federal district court judge ruled in favor of Google, which shut down Hood’s investigation. Hood was able to continue his investigation after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that decision. Hood stated Monday that Hood may now be able to work with them and move forward. “You have a company who doesn’t even explain how things work. This is what we started with. Hopefully, we can have a civil discussion now. We can hopefully reevaluate their actions and determine what can be done. Google issued a statement on Friday: “We’re currently reviewing the implications of Court’s decision which focused more on whether our claim is premature than the merits of this case.” A spokesperson for the company, William Fitzgerald, stated that the company had no further comment. National attention has been paid to the lawsuit. Hood skeptics pointed to the fact that a large part of Hood’s subpoenas was drafted and signed by Motion Picture of America (MPAA), according to documents obtained in the Sony hack of 2015. Hood claimed that his intentions, which were focused on teenage prostitution as well as illegal drugs, are being supported by 40 other general attorneys. Hood stated that there is no federal agency responsible for policing the Internet. “Google has the potential to do real good. It’s up to us to have that conversation.”