/Gun-waving lawmaker triggers more concealed carry concerns

Gun-waving lawmaker triggers more concealed carry concerns

The Mississippi House approved legislation Thursday that allows holders of enhanced concealed carry permits to sue agencies that deny them the right to carry weapons. A person can bring their weapon to any public space, including universities and colleges campuses, courthouses (but no courtrooms when a proceeding takes place), polling places and public schools. Rep. Charles Young (D-Meridian), stood in front of the chamber with a handgun raised in the air and received gasps from many fellow lawmakers. Young claimed that several legislators have concealed weapons, despite the fact that they are prohibited by law. Young requested Speaker Philip Gunn to order the sergeant at-arms that Young be removed from the chamber because he had violated the rules. Rep. Charles Young (D-Meridian) explains why Speaker Gunn asked him to remove Young from the chamber. Young was armed with a handgun and was threatening the House floor. Young was speaking against a bill expanding conceal carry rights on college campuses #msleg pic.twitter.com/es3kSnUoaO — R.L. Nave (@rlnave), February 8, 2018, Young was speaking against a bill expanding conceal carry rights on college campuses #msleg pic.twitter.com/es3kSnUoaO — R.L. “It is likely that competitors may decline opportunities to play at Oxford and Starkville,” game officials will decline assignments and personal safety concerns will also be used against Mississippi’s universities during recruiting. Fan attendance will be negatively affected.” Jeffrey Vitter, University of Mississippi Chancellor, expressed concern about the bill’s effect on state higher education officials. Vitter acknowledged the SEC commissioner’s letter and said that although it wasn’t stated in the letter, the bill could allow other SEC university leaders the opportunity to vote Ole Miss or Mississippi State out. Vitter expressed concern about guns being in university classrooms. He said that police officers have expressed concerns about arriving at a shooting scene without knowing who the shooter is and thus having to shoot anyone using a weapon. Many officials from Delta State University, including the President William N. LaForge, campus police chief, and athletic director, shared Vitter’s concerns in a press release. “A university is not a place for guns — period,” LaForge stated. “And that applies doubly to residence halls and classroom buildings as well as athletic facilities. “To allow the legal carrying of guns on university campuses in today’s society would be misdirected and unwise,” the Senate must approve the bill to become law.