Hood stated, “With this administration’s fake news claims, I’ve never seen it happen in my life.” “We went through the Great Recession and it really had an adverse impact on media.” The Great Recession saw 8.7 million jobs disappear, which sent the US economy into a tailspin. Many media companies had their news production methods redesigned in order to continue providing service. Hood stated, “So many television stations were cutting people off. You used to see people with a camera person but now they do it all themselves.” “But, they have stabilized them finally,” Hood said. For many employers, redefining previous positions and the way of doing business was a key to their success. Hood said that the digital footprint allows them to make a profit. Hood said that it was fun to see how the media is affected and how people are trying to debate the truth and facts. The term “fake news,” has been around since the beginning of the 20th century. It was first published in newspapers in 1890, 1891. The phrase gained much popularity after President Trump used it. For many people. Hood was one of those people who thought it was crazy to think that the media could be trusted. Hood said, “I never imagined I’d see that.” Hood said, “Years back, while I was in Turkey… certain media people were in prison simply for telling truth.” This happened around the time Trump started to accuse networks such as NBC of providing a ‘fake’ news to the public. Despite the loss of jobs and the conspiracy about what is truth and false, Attorney General Hood believes journalism should be respected. Hood said, “I am encouraged to choose your chosen profession.” Hood said, “And it’s an exciting moment to see something.” “I’m 55 years old and I never imagined I would see the things we’re seeing in my lifetime.”