Mississippi News is a non-profit news source. This fall, Mississippi’s school districts will have to make unprecedented decisions about when and how they should reopen. They are also faced with decisions about how to spend an unprecedented amount federal money specifically designated to aid schools in pandemic relief efforts. Mississippi was able to receive over a billion dollars from the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, which provided money for states to deal with the pandemic. $30.75 billion is specifically allocated to education in the CARES Act. To address COVID-19’s impact, the money is divided into separate pots for the governor and higher education. Click here to find out more about the amount that the governor’s office received and Mississippi colleges, universities. The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund is the source of the K-12 funds. The Mississippi portion of this money amounts to $169,883,002, which is subgranted directly by the Mississippi Department of Education to school districts, charter schools included. Title I funding is federal money that is given to schools with high enrollments of low-income students. Each district receives money according to this formula. According to the federal government, local school districts must spend this money before September 2022. The U.S. Department of Education allows schools to choose how they spend the funds but recommends that it be used for “activities which will
Support remote learning for all students, particularly disadvantaged or at risk students and their teachers.” Funding can also be used for personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and other supplies that are needed for schools during and following the pandemic. The Mississippi Legislature and the Mississippi Department of Education are working together to develop a digital learning plan for school districts. They will also expect them to contribute some of their funds. Below is a list of CARES allocations for your school district: