ELLISVILLE — Chris McDaniel announced Wednesday that he is ready to take on U.S. Senator Roger Wicker. McDaniel stated that Donald Trump had told them he wanted to drain swamps. He was right. As an aide placed a Chris McDaniel sign for the U.S. Senate on the podium, applause rose from the audience. McDaniel stated, “I guess that the cat’s out the bag.” Let’s talk about that bag. I am proud of my state, I am proud of our values and I am proud of our heritage. We deserve better. He promised his supporters that if he was elected, he would not go up there to beg. Instead, he would fight for the rights of Mississippi’s bulldogs. “I’m not going there to be a leader lap dog; I will be Mississippi’s bulldog,” he promised his supporters. The spotlight on the candidate is brighter than ever at Jones County Junior College Wednesday. His supporters have been cheering him on for months, and a political committee announced that it had raised $1 million to support his Senate bid. The drama was only made more complicated by his Hamlet-like delay in revealing his intentions — he had missed many deadlines that extended to last fall. In his Republican primary opponent, Sen. Roger Wicker (the incumbent senator), has already spent thousands of dollars on advertising to discourage the anti-establishment state senator. Trump tweeted his support for Wicker late Tuesday night. After McDaniel announced his candidacy, the Wicker for Senate campaign released this statement: “Gayle, I look forward to this campaign. We share my record of success fighting to reduce job-killing regulation, confirm conservative judges and enact historic taxes cuts, rebuild our army, and honor our vets. McDaniel made his official announcement in Ellisville. This is where he was raised, and many people noticed him when he challenged Sen. ThadCochran in 2014. Roger Wicker and other men have failed to stand up for you. McDaniel stated that Roger Wicker, like many others, remained silent for the first 24 of his tenure. “Thank God for Donald Trump, he made Roger Wicker conservative for three weeks. He’s seen the light, right? He sees the possibility that there will be a primary challenger and he wants to forget all of those bad votes. Justin Brasell, Wicker campaign manager, responded to McDaniel in a statement to the media on Wednesday. “While Roger Wicker was speaking for Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention and travelling the country to support President Trump and Republican U.S.A. elections,” Brasell said. Chris McDaniel was absent, Senators. McDaniel was missing after he attacked and insulted Donald Trump and his supporters during the primary. McDaniel rose to prominence in the national political scene after beating Cochran in primary but failed to win the majority of votes needed to win the Republican primary. After a three-week long runoff, Cochran won the election amid claims that Democrats improperly voted for McDaniel over Cochran. There were dozens of people waiting outside Jones County Junior College’s Home and Health Building Wednesday to gain entry into the 200-seat lecture hall. The line stretched around the building, and into a nearby lot. A massive American flag was placed behind the podium on the stage. McDaniel also promoted the Mississippi state flag, which was the only one in the country to contain the Confederate battle emblem. His announcement was streamed live by national television cameras. Each Jackson media outlet (print and broadcast) was present, along with several Hattiesburg outlets and Gulf Coast outlets. Many people waited outside to buy Chris McDaniel Senate T-Shirts. Ryan Walters also wrote the book Remember Mississippi. It describes McDaniel’s attempts to unseated Cochran. The Senate bid was also announced on a website. Many people were enthusiastic to hear McDaniel speak, and eager to be there for the announcement. Larry Eubanks, a Star native, said that history is being made today and that they are here to witness it. The announcement Wednesday focused on the 2014 loss to Cochran, which instantly became part of Mississippi’s political history. It will also serve as the campaign’s theme theme: “Remember Mississippi.” However, there were darker sides to that primary. There was intense mud-slinging as well as a scandal involving McDaniel supporters taking photos of Cochran’s wife in a nursing facility bed. Many arch-conservative supporters claimed that the election was stolen. McDaniel never conceded the race, and unsuccessfully challenged the results at court. McDaniel may not have fully considered Cochran’s seat. McDaniel was asked if it was possible for him to drop out of Wicker’s race and run in a November special elections to succeed Cochran if his current term ends. It’s impossible to foreclose all possibilities in politics. It’s possible. McDaniel spent months building and maintaining his base of Mississippi voters. Many people at the event shared that sentiment. McDaniel supported Trump’s candidacy, which he easily won Mississippi’s support. The president’s endorsement for Wicker, an attempt to preserve the narrow Republican majority in Congress, will be a test of the loyalty of Mississippi’s voters in June’s primary. Many have compared these developments to the special Senate election in Mississippi last year, in which conservative party members chose Roy Moore over incumbent Luther Strange. Moore lost the general election to Democrat Doug Jones. McDaniel stated that they were not mad at Wicker’s endorsement. It is something we understand. This is Washington’s way. You must cut deals. I need to be clear. When I get there I’m not cutting any deal.” Bruce Cook, a Moss Point resident, is the state deputy director of Convention of the States. This conservative movement, which aims to limit the federal government’s reach, stated that “It’s not Democrats, it is not Republicans, it is all of them.” It’s not Democrats or Republicans. It’s all of them. We need real change in Washington and Chris McDaniel is that change. Cook said, “McDaniel is a man of principle and I know that he will not be influenced by anyone.” “Have any of you ever seen Wicker on TV? He doesn’t support our values. Chris McDaniel has been a tireless supporter of our values. Wicker is running for his second term. As the national GOP establishment tries to retain its grip on the ranks and file, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky and other supporters have also endorsed him. Wicker has been increasing his social media presence, and running political ads. Wicker sent McDaniel a series of tweets late Tuesday criticizing his support for Ted Cruz, the Texas senator. Many Mississippi GOP operatives used social media to support Wicker and to offer some intimidation to McDaniel’s announcement. “I was with Trump throughout the whole process. Cook, a Star resident, said that he is still with Trump. But he is surrounded by people who give him poor advice. It’s not something I like, but it’s what I believe Chris is. Tyrone Turner, a Citizens Militia of Mississippi shirt wearer, said that he had met McDaniel and spoke to him several times. To me, he doesn’t seem like a politician. He is someone who cares about all people, regardless of their race or economic status,” Turner stated. The Citizens Militia, a grassroots group that “aims to defend the Constitution,” Turner explained. They also host regular weapons training sessions. Director of Mississippi ballot initiative number 62, Deborah Simpson, stated that she supports Chris McDaniel “because he believes in democracy.” He believes in the integrity and fairness of previous elections. He knows what is important to Mississippians.” McDaniel criticized Wicker over the flag issue. This will likely be a wedge during the primary fight. McDaniel called Wicker a liberal in a television interview with U.S. Senator Corey Booker of New Jersey. Wicker demanded that the state flag be removed to a museum. McDaniel cited the 2001 referendum, in which voters rejected a new flag. McDaniel stated that “the people have already spoken” and that until they speak again, the flag will be kept. Some Democrats, even those from traditionally red states, are seeing an opportunity as Senate Republicans across the nation prepare for difficult challenges from the right fringes. Remember that McDaniel’s Senate bid was supported by the Mississippi super PAC. They have raised over $1 million. Tommy Barnett, treasurer of the group, stated that they were thrilled Chris McDaniel had decided to run for the U.S. Senate. McDaniel is a true conservative who reflects Mississippi values, where his rival clearly does not.” McDaniel, the press release stated, favors tight control over immigration and prefers spending cuts to raising the national debt limit or states’ rights. This was evident by McDaniel’s opposition to the retirement of the state flag. The statement concluded that “the time for career politicians has ended.” “When Senator Wicker was elected federally, Windows 95 had just been released. The OJ Simpson trial had caught the attention of the nation. It’s time to elect new leaders in Mississippi. David Baria (Democratic leader in the Mississippi House of Representatives) also joined the race after McDaniel announced his candidacy. Baria said Monday that McDaniel’s bid to win Wicker’s seat might provide “a unique dynamics that leads me believe (a Democratic triumph) might be possible.” McDaniel appears eager to participate in what will be a highly competitive Republican primary. “There are some conservatives in the U.S. Senate. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul. McDaniel stated that they fight as hard as possible. They need help, don’t they? Are you sure that Massachusetts will provide the help they need? California? California?