/Marty Wiseman ‘Everything has to fall perfectly’ for Espy to win Senate race

Marty Wiseman ‘Everything has to fall perfectly’ for Espy to win Senate race

Marty Wiseman, a long-time Mississippi politician and professor, said that Hyde-Smith clearly has been running a low-key operation. “I don’t know if she’s rope-adoping or not. I just say, “Look, I’m just going to lose.” Wiseman stated that Hyde-Smith’s clear leader, not that she has a large lead, doesn’t come out and be exposed in debates. It could give the opponent an opportunity to make points. Wiseman stated that she is certain that her advisers are not as comfortable with the candidate as they would like, but it’s still steady. Wiseman stated that he had a strong coalition of Black and White voters. It’s difficult to predict how Black turnout will be in this cycle due to the flag vote, pandemic and heated presidential race. Wiseman asked, “Will having the first chance to vote as a woman of color make any difference?” Wiseman said that female African Americans have shown they can find a way out to vote. Espy has already paved that path. I don’t know if it will bring many people out. It didn’t last time. What about medical marijuana? It’s hard to say.” Wiseman stated that Espy had a chance, but not everything must fall in perfect order. “People would need to turn out who haven’t voted since the Obama races of ’08 or ’12.” Click Here to return to the expert opinions._x000D