Screenshots of “Correctional Officer Life”, a Facebook group, circulated this week. They showed selfies of people wearing uniforms that are law enforcement and prison employees. Many captions joked about prisoners being shot with Tasers and placed in solitary confinement. One poster said, “Feelin’ (sic), cute; might place your baby daddy at the shower for six hours.” Another wrote, “Feeling cute might just gas some prisoners today, idk.” A third wrote, “Feeling cute …….. might lock them asses down today (sic),” One particular post was brought to the attention of a Mississippi online support group for families of prisoners. The photo features a woman wearing a cap with the Mississippi Department of Corrections insignia. “#FeelingCute” was the message, along with an emoji showing a woman shaking. According to records from the state personnel board, the Facebook name of the poster matches that of a Parchman correctional officer at Mississippi State Penitentiary. On Tuesday, the poster didn’t respond to a request to comment. The Mississippi Department of Corrections declined to comment. The posts are a reminder of the correctional culture that is based on cruelty and abuse of prisoners, according to many family members and advocates for prisoners. One woman whose husband is in Parchman said that she finds the challenge very humiliating and very disgusting. She requested that her first name be Kristi, citing the possibility of prison officials retaliating. Kristi stated that prison officers can antagonize and humiliate prisoners and then use the pen to issue [rule violations reports],” Mississippi Today reported. Kristi also said that she believed that the employee should be fired and reprimanded. Jody Owens, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Jackson, stated that the jokes, such as leaving prisoners in the shower due to full segregation units, are based on real-life accounts. Owens stated that the truth is that inmates are vulnerable and can be subject to whatever correctional officers choose to do to their bodies. Owens said that too many times in America we have seen people’s possessions and cells stolen out of boredom or other insignificant reasons. Owens also noted the significance of the Mississippi uniformed correctional officer who posted the message. Ramen noodles are a staple in creative prison meals, and an alternative currency in many prison economies. However, they cannot be bought through commissaries where prices are set by contract vendors. According to the Houston Chronicle, Texas prison officials stated Tuesday that they are investigating claims that some of their employees were involved in the postings. Two Georgia Department of Corrections prisoners were also accused of taking part in the challenge. A number of correctional officers have used social media to express their opinions on their jobs. This was revealed by The Marshall Project’s 2016 collection. Civil rights groups have brought Mississippi to court numerous times over the past decade. They claim that the state doesn’t protect prisoners from violence by staff or other prisoners. In 2012, the state entered into a consent decree to improve conditions at Walnut Grove prison. The U.S. Department of Justice had found widespread abuses of prisoners in Walnut Grove prison. The private East Mississippi Correctional Facility is the subject of a lawsuit. According to documents prepared by the Legislative Budget Office, MDOC witnessed 420 inmate-on-inmate assaults and 91 staff assaults in its three main prisons.