According to Wednesday’s College Board report, the number of Mississippi high school graduates who took the Advanced Placement exam has doubled in the past decade. The percentage of Mississippi seniors who scored a 3 on the AP exam in 2017, which is the minimum grade required to receive college credit, was only 6.5 percent. Only 10.7 percent of Mississippi’s graduates took the AP exam in 2007. Only 3.5 percent received a score of 3 or higher. 2017 saw 20.7 percent of Mississippi graduates take at least one exam, and 6.5% achieved passing scores. AP courses are college-level courses that are offered in high schools by qualified teachers. There is no standard policy for colleges and universities regarding AP credit acceptance. “Mississippi students benefit from increased participation in AP courses. We will continue to promote opportunities for all students have access to rigorous classes and to receive credit to pass the exams.” Carey Wright, State Superintendent of Education said. You can read more from The Hechinger Report’s Mississippi Learning newsletter.