According to some reports, something called murder hornets was invading North America. MURDER HORNETS – Just the name alone sent chills down our spines. These photos were terrifying. They measured over 2 inches in length and had large, evil black eyes. They ate honeybee heads and thoraxes, and could inflict severe poison on humans. For me, nightmares were a constant reality. Yes, I had nightmares. I was engulfed by giant Asian hornets in my dreams. They would fly around, then one would buzz at my nose. I’d start to sweat. Given the direction 2020 was going, I knew it wouldn’t be long before those evil creatures reached Mississippi. I was referring to Kobe Bryant’s crashed helicopter, Little Richard had been silenced by cancer, and John Prine had died from COVID. 2020 was a living nightmare. Are murder hornets possible? You may be wondering where I’m going with this. The murder hornets have never been close to the Magnolia State. The Mississippi State University Extension Service says so, and they’re the experts. We decided to play some golf after Tyler, my son, had unexpectedly finished his work earlier than expected. It was a beautiful, but hot day at Lake Caroline. The fairways were lush. The greens were perfectly rolling. We were the only ones there and had no one in front. We were fast. We played fast. I was at one-under par. That’s right 2020… We got to the par-5 fifth. Tyler chose the scenic route and went left, then right. With a simple wedge shot, I missed the green. The sun shone through the clouds. It’s amazing how hot it can get when things go wrong on the course. Tyler, sweaty and dripping, hit in for a bogey 6, and reached down into his cup to retrieve the golf ball. He quickly pulled his hand back as he saw something move down there. We both watched as a large, soaring creature with huge wings and orange and black stripes emerged from the top of our cup. It flew right at Tyler. Tyler ran as fast as I’ve ever seen him sprint towards the sixth tee. He lost his putter. His hat flew. His sunglasses also fell off. His golf glove was lost in his back pocket. That’s what he did. It followed, and then it flew away. I stopped laughing and got back to my business. To remain at par, I had a five footer left. I did my practice strokes and then crouched down over the ball when I heard a buzzing sound. I should have stepped aside, but I didn’t. I yanked my putt to the left and Tyler hollered again. “The murder hornet has returned, right above you head!” I high-tailed the putt off the green towards our golf cart. The whatever-it was didn’t follow. It was never seen again. It’s hilarious now. We double our laughter every time this topic comes up. But… It. Was. Not. Funny. Then. The obvious question remains. It was what? “I would think it almost had to have been a cicada killer bep from the size of the behaviour you are describing,” said Dr. Blake Layton, Jr., Mississippi State’s entomology professor. “Almost certainly. They are fierce looking and have a large stinger. However, they rarely sting anyone unless they are a cicada. They sting cicadas and paralyze them before carrying them away. They are often found on golf courses. Layton stated that another possibility is the European hornet. This species is most prevalent in the north of the state and feeds on honeybees. Are they able to travel as far south as Gluckstadt, though? Layton stated, “They could.” He sent me photos of the varmints. Tyler was the one who got closest to what I saw. He said, “Could be,” even though neither one seems large enough. “Tell the truth, I didn’t stay long enough to know which one it was.” It wasn’t something I was really studying.” I can confirm that. Although it might not have been a killer hornet but it sure looked the part.