Victim advocates and law enforcement have long complained about the absence of a reliable system for tracking domestic violence incidents and protecting orders. This allows courts and law enforcement to make better decisions when dealing with alleged abusers. Reportbeam, which was the older version of the database was not compatible with the law enforcement system. This made it difficult and time-consuming to make multiple reports. Also, the system did not provide the same level detail as the new version. This was also due to the fact that it was developed by the same developers who created the eCrash system officers use for accident reports. Fitch stated that the new database “… is a user-friendly system which will encourage accurate, secure and legible domestic violence reports. “We made it as simple as possible for victims to obtain the information they require when (law enforcement officers arrive on-scene) and to protect them throughout the process.” Officers can upload photos and also identify injuries on an interactive body image. Sandy Middleton is the Center for Violence Prevention’s executive director. “If they (officers), take photos with their phones, they can instantly upload it into their reports which means that we don’t lose (evidence). Between the time an officer responds to a call and when they return to the office to complete the report,” Sandy Middleton said. It’s a great advantage. There’s also a field for Lethality Assessment Protocol. This is a questionnaire that officers can use to assess the victim’s situation and connect her with resources. The Mississippi Domestic Violence Reporting System (MDVR) database will allow law enforcement to access more information in real-time to assist with dangerous calls. Officers can search for addresses to determine if there have been any previous incidents or the details. This context is crucial: Domestic abuse and the risks a victim may face are determined by patterns of behavior, power and control that the abuser has built up over time. Police officers cannot accurately assess the danger posed by the abuser to their victim and to themselves without this historical information. Dean Scott, Pearl Chief of Police, said that it is a big help for officer safety. He noted that domestic violence calls are among the most dangerous to law enforcement. It allows officers to access the background information and send multiple units to strengthen their numbers. Michelle Williams, chief-of-staff for the attorney general, stated that court clerks have access to the database. They can upload information about victims or bond conditions. It can track the entire (domestic violence incident) through all of the system, including the court disposition, or whether the abuser has been convicted, pleaded guilty, or any other outcome. The disjointed nature Mississippi’s domestic violence tracking was a common theme in Mississippi Today’s series, “Underreported & Underpunished”. A district attorney stated that it was possible that one municipality court didn’t know about the abuser’s other criminal charges in another court after a woman’s abuser was released on bail multiple times, despite the law prohibiting him from being released on bond. READ MORE: Mississippi’s criminal justice system fails victims of domestic violence. This system would enable courts to quickly determine if someone has been arrested or convicted in another state. A new tracking system will be introduced by the attorney general’s office for domestic violence protection orders. This is a court order to provide protection to domestic violence victims. Middleton said that protection orders are respected across all jurisdictions, but that in the past, we would have to remind clients to ‘Keep your paper with you’. “Because law enforcement can’t access it or someone doesn’t enter it correctly, that poses a serious safety risk. It is hugely important to have all this information at one place. We believe it will dramatically improve the safety of victims.