House Bill 1547, as originally written, would have reclassified controlled substances to keep drugs like opioid fentanyl within federal standards. Although industrial hemp was not included in the original proposal, a successful amendment by Rep. Dana Criswell (R-Olive Branch) would have removed it from Mississippi’s list. Despite objections from the chairwoman of the committee, the bill was passed 96-15. Criswell pointed out that the U.S. Farm Bill signed December by President Trump had already designated industrial hemp as a federally-controlled substance. Criswell stated, “If we delay, even one year, on this, then we are putting farmers behind.” “Let our farmers grow another plant and make some money,” Criswell said. However, Patricia Willis (R-Diamondhead), House Drug Policy Chair, asked lawmakers to reject the amendment. Willis stated that although she was not opposed to the removal of hemp from the controlled substances list in theory, it was “putting the cart before that horse”. She said that even though industrial hemp is technically legal, regulations for its production have yet to be approved by the U.S Department of Agriculture. “I want to let you know that I struggled with this… I support farmers growing a new crop, and making money for Mississippi. Willis stated that he wished he could vote for the amendment. “If you exclude hemp from the schedule, we don’t have any procedures in place from USDA to regulate it.” U.S. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), won the exclusion of industrial hemp from the federal list of controlled substances. His home state, Kentucky, already produces thousands of acres of hemp each year as part of a pilot program. Crain’s Business projects that some hemp production will generate revenues of more than $22 billion annually by 2022. Hemp is made from a plant that looks similar to Schedule X marijuana but contains very little THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. Any plant that contains more than 0.3 percent of THC would be subject to the House bill. Criswell stated, “This doesn’t get you high,” as many people laughed in the House chamber. Two amendments to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes did not gain traction in the House. Rep. Omeria Scott (D-Laurel) proposed to add a medical marijuana amend to House Bill 1547. She pointed out that 31 states have legalized medical marijuana. Scott asked, “How can you compare opioid crisis to medical cannabis when it has been adopted by 30 other states?” “… “I’m asking you to continue the conversation.” Tuesday morning saw the House vote to rescind House Bill 867. This was after Rep. Robert Johnson (D-Natchez) brought up an amendment that legalized marijuana for medicinal use. As it stands, the bill would allow for people to be charged as a felony if they sell or give drugs that cause death. “This amendment should not be passed. It doesn’t have to be in this bill. “Let’s not legalize marijuana trafficking in Mississippi,” said Rep. Mark Baker (R-Brandon).