/NYT More than 10% of Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians has contracted COVID-19

NYT More than 10% of Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians has contracted COVID-19

Leaders of Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians claim they’re “losing parts of their culture” due to the COVID-19 epidemic that has decimated their community. The New York Times reports that more than 10% of tribal members have contracted this virus. They’re responsible for 64% of Neshoba’s COVID-19-related deaths, despite being only 18% of the county population. Mary Harrison, interim health chief for the Choctaw Health Center said that they aren’t losing just family members, or aunts or uncles, but are also losing important parts of their culture. “We have lost dressmakers, artists, and elders who are very fluid with our language. So when you think of an individual we’ve been losing, these are important members of our community.” Click here for the complete story from The New York Times.