Donald Trump declared Thursday that there is a major disaster in Mississippi, South Dakota, Kansas, and South Dakota. All three disasters have been linked to severe weather. This announcement is in addition to disaster declarations already approved for flooding which has caused 500,000 acres of Delta land to be submerged. The Mississippi declaration for Thursday is directed at Clarke, Clay and Itawamba counties. Federal funding is available to help with hazard mitigation efforts across the state. FEMA stated in a press release that federal funding is available to the state on a cost-sharing basis, with 75% of the cost being covered by the federal government. For emergency work, the aid is available to eligible state, tribal, and local governments as well as certain private non-profit organizations. The major disaster declaration doesn’t include funding for FEMA’s Individual and Household Assistance Program. The declaration covers: * Emergency protective measures and debris removal that are necessary to protect lives, property and public safety. * Repairing and replacing damaged public facilities such as roads, bridges or utilities, buildings, schools, recreation areas, and other publicly-owned property. * State and local governments undertake hazard mitigation projects to reduce or prevent long-term risks to property and life from technological or natural disasters. Jose M. Girot was named Federal Coordinating Officer for federal disaster recovery operations in Mississippi. Girot stated that additional designations could be made later based on the results of further damage assessments.