Sally Doty (R-Brookhaven), Chair of Senate Energy Committee, stated Tuesday that swift passage was necessary to allow cooperatives time to apply for federal grants before the April deadline. Federal grants could be used to expand high-speed internet access to rural areas in the state. Doty’s Energy Committee passed the bill Tuesday afternoon. It could be up for debate on Wednesday. Last week, the House approved the bill. This is the first bill being considered in the 2019 session. The bill will be sent straight to the governor if the Senate approves it in the same form that it passed the House. Brandon Presley, Northern District Public Service Commissioner, of Nettleton has been vocal in his support of the cooperatives offering high-speed internet. He said that as much as $100 Million in federal Connect America funds could be made available to Mississippi’s rural areas. In addition, $600,000,000 in the recently passed farm bill could be available nationwide. Presley stated that cooperatives cannot apply for grants until the bill is passed. Doty also warned that cooperatives could take years to be able to offer services to their members even if they get the authority. Doty stated that he believes it was a significant step forward, and offers more services options. Senator John Polk, R.Hattiesburg, stated that if a cooperative offers high-speed internet, they should be required to provide services to the entire region within ten years. The committee rejected Polk’s suggestion. Doty stated that cooperatives should be able to decide where it’s economically feasible for them to offer services. The legislation’s supporters have stated that cooperatives offering the service should develop a plan to expand their services to all customers. Multiple studies show Mississippi ranks near the bottom for broadband access. According to the Federal Communications Commission, Mississippi ranks last for broadband access. 72 percent of Mississippi’s population has access to upload speeds of 3 mbps or more and download speeds of 25 mbps or less. Presley stated that speeds are not fast enough to perform certain activities such as telemedicine. Cooperatives, which date back to the 1930s, were created to provide electricity for rural areas. High-speed internet is available through the four neighboring states of Mississippi and Mississippi by electrical cooperatives. About half of Mississippi’s residents are served by the cooperatives. The bill includes language that requires cooperatives to provide more information to their boards about elections. The House was amended by Robert Johnson (D-Natchez), which mandates more notice to elections. He said that less than 5% of the board members are African American women or men.