The poll had a margin error of +/- 4 percent. However, the contest between Reeves and Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood is still within the margin of errors. Reeves has an advantage in the hole, according to Mason-Dixon analysis. According to a narrative accompanying the poll results, “In this tight race, President Donald Trump may be the deciding factor.” This was the message that was released to Mississippi media Tuesday afternoon. Trump remains popular in Mississippi, and efforts by congressional Democrats for impeachment are opposed by a substantial majority of state voters.” Trump will visit Tupelo in Northeast Mississippi Nov. 1 to run for Reeves in the race before the Nov. 5, general election. According to the same poll, 54 percent of respondents are satisfied with Trump’s job performance. 42 percent disagree and 4 percent are unsure. According to the poll, 56 percent of respondents opposed Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. Only 10% are not certain. This poll was conducted over cell phones and landlines of 625 Mississippians who indicated that they are likely to vote. Based on historical election data, the poll respondents were divided by their region, gender, and race. The racial breakdown of the respondents was 65 percent white, 32 per cent black, and 3 percent others. Reeves held a significant lead among white Mississippians, while Hood held a substantial lead with African Americans. The poll found that 2 percent of respondents preferred one of the three third-party candidates, while 9 percent were undecided. The pollsters believe that a Trump visit would be a boost to Reeves. However, Robert Johnson, a state representative from Natchez and member of the Legislative Black Caucus, stated that a Trump trip will also drive African Americans to the polls which will be beneficial for Hood. Please bring him. Johnson stated that Donald Trump must come to Mississippi Today’s episode of “The other side”. “If you believe something is going up the black community, then if Donald Trump arrives in the state and declares I am for Tate Reeves – that will ignite our community What you see everyday that offends or scares your, that is what it is you will get. The Trump-Reeves rally is being held on Hood’s turf. Hood hails from Chickasaw County. He has performed well in the northeast Mississippi counties where he was elected attorney general in four previous successful elections. Mason-Dixon, a national polling organisation._x000D