Wicker stated, “The rule of Law means that we recognize that the president of the United States is guilty of felonious criminal behavior.” Wicker said that the rule of law was more important than any tenure in office of any elected officials. Wicker is a rising Republican star who was just serving his second term in Congress. He spoke ahead of the House impeachment vote for Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1998. The Republican-controlled House affirmed four impeachment articles against Clinton, and Wicker voted yes on all four. Two decades later, the country finds itself embroiled in an impeachment trial against another president — this one from his own party. Now-Sen. Wicker has made few public statements that contrast with his feelings about the Clinton impeachment at a House controlled by Republicans. After the Democratic-led House passed articles of impeachment against Trump, the Republican President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial began in the U.S. Senate. Wicker issued a statement shortly after the December impeachment vote condemning it as “historic mistakes” that would belittle Trump’s tenure. The statement did not mention the claim that Trump withheld military assistance from Ukraine, until the nation announced an investigation into Joe Biden (the former vice president) and his son. Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate and potential opponent to Trump, is also a potential opponent. Wicker stated in a Dec. 18 declaration that Democrats have created a dangerous precedent by impeaching Donald Trump on a partisan and without much evidence. “The truth is that congressional Democrats have been seeking this result since Donald Trump’s election. Their efforts have not been focused on the facts and accountability. It was always about politics, and damaging a President they cannot tolerate.” Wicker will be one of 100 U.S. senators to decide if those words are applicable to today’s situation. The Senate will hear the House’s arguments for convicting Republican President Donald Trump of two impeachment articles. The Senate spent Tuesday working out the rules and details of the trial. Wicker meticulously wrote notes during Tuesday’s first day of hearings. He was using a number 2 pencil and a pad to write. Senators cannot bring electronic devices onto the Senate floor during the entire Senate impeachment trial. Talking amongst colleagues is also strictly forbidden. Opening statements will begin Wednesday and continue into the evening. As hundreds of people waited in line to get a place in the Senate’s public gallery, the Capitol scene was chaotic. When they stood side by side, one group wore black T-shirts with white letters that read REMOVE TRUMP. Capitol police were stationed at every corner of Capitol’s Senate side of building, and effectively the building was locked down 30 minutes prior to the trial. Many senators resisted speaking with reporters who were present in large numbers. Wicker was more cautious than in his original statement and maintained that he will honor his constitutional obligation to be impartial juror in his few interactions with journalists, including an appearance in Jackson in January. Wicker stated to Mississippi Today that he takes seriously the responsibility of reviewing articles of impeachment. He said in December that he would listen and be transparent. “Nothing that I have seen or heard during this House process is close to an impeachable offense, or warrants the removal of a duly elected president from office.” You can support this work by making a regular donation today to celebrate our Spring Member Drive. This will allow us to continue important work such as this one.