Wight immediately recognized the marks. These were her scars and scabs from when she had scratched her skin. They also represented the physical evidence of her mental illness that she suffered with since childhood. Wright said, “I was horrified.” The 51-year old Brandon woman said, “They’re all around me,” and turned her arms to reveal open sores where she picks at her skin. Excoriation disorder. This is the name of the condition Wright developed over her 45-year battle with mental illness. It’s part a group of anxiety and panic disorders. Wright was not diagnosed until March 2009 after a five-day stay in a local hospital. Wright was already anxious and became more distressed when she returned home from work to find her house falling apart. Wright stated that termites were flying from the ceiling and the foundation was falling apart. Wright said, “We couldn’t fix it, we couldn’t sell it.” She couldn’t afford the mental treatment she needed. Sitaniel Wimmerly, the program director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (Mississippi), said that money or insurance is often a barrier to Mississippi care. One in four Americans surveyed by the Cohen Veterans Network and National Council of Behavioral Health for America’s Mental Health 2018, and had to make a choice between paying for their daily necessities or getting treatment for mental illness. One in five people with insurance said they had to make a choice between getting treatment for a physical condition or a mental one. Wright informed Kenny that she wanted to die, and that she needed to be admitted to the hospital. He replied, “We can’t afford it.” Wright stated that neither Wright nor Kenny knew how serious her condition was. Wright continued her work as an interpreter for deaf children the next day. Although she can’t recall exactly what happened, her supervisor drove Wright to the hospital and she was admitted. The cost was partially covered by her employee assistance plan. Wright stated, “I can still remember how terrified and scared I was.” Doctors first gave her the antidepressant Paxil during her hospital stay. It didn’t work. They eventually put her on Neurontin to relieve nerve pain and Ativan to reduce anxiety and panic attacks. For anxious days, she takes Neurontin twice daily and Ativan as necessary. Bubble wrap is kept in her car and at her home for when she feels the need to pick at her skin. Wright said, “But you can do it in church. Wright stated that you can’t do this at work. Wright agreed that she would take the medication. Wright stated that once you have found something that works for your body and you like it, you should stick with it. Wright dates her anxiety problems back to 1974 when Wright was six years old. Her father had left her family. Wright says she is strong enough to cut down on her visits to the psychiatrist. She now sees them once every six months. In late 2009, her anxiety about her housing situation was relieved by Kenny and a lay counselor from her church. They advised Kenny and her to let the bank foreclose the house and search for an apartment. They did. Wright stated that they had never missed any payments up to then. Despite being aware of their finances, Wright said she isn’t in counseling due to the expense and the need to take time off from work. Wright has worked hard despite her mental illness. Wright is now employed by a company that provides mental healthcare services for elderly residents in nursing homes. She has not confided in her condition to anyone except family members and friends. Wright stated, “If I see someone in distress and feel safe enough to tell them,” Wright advises anyone considering suicide to get checked in immediately. Many people don’t know that their employers have a plan that will cover the cost of treatment. Wimberly stated that if they have it, it should be posted like the minimum wage signs. This lack of awareness is very common. People don’t know who to contact if they have a mental illness. ”
Professional help can include a therapist or support group. They don’t even have to leave their house.