The defendants have denied every allegation and have contest this claim. Kenyarda Graham is the plaintiff in this lawsuit. He has a history with mental illness. According to the suit, Graham was taken into custody on July 4, 2016. He was wearing his underwear and was loud and disorderly. Graham was then placed in a cell with a hole in it instead of a toilet or a bed. According to the Cleveland Police Department’s policy regarding the treatment of the mentally ill, law enforcement officers are instructed to transport them to the nearest mental health facility. Graham was instead kept in jail for 20 days. He “tore the mattress that he had been given; he took off his clothes; crawled around on his knees and hands; and spread his feces all over the walls and floor,” according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit also claims that Graham was not treated for his mental illness before July 24. Graham was found lying in jail, face down, over the waste hole on that day. According to the lawsuit, Graham was taken to a hospital where he was diagnosed with “knee injuries that had developed to the point that he now had sepsis, rhabdomyolysis” and required extensive therapy in order to walk again. The lawsuit states that “despite the city’s adoption of policies to manage mentally disturbed persons by law enforcement… it is the widespread practice of personnel of City of Cleveland Police Department and disregard those policies and routinely imprison mentally disturbed individuals.” The city attorneys filed a motion for dismissal stating that police broke from standard procedure in this case. Robert Graham, the defendant’s brother works for the police department and told the chief that Kenyarda Graham would be being committed by the family. The Capps Mental Health Center was the only place Kenyarda Graham could be detained. Capps wouldn’t have taken Mr. Kenyarda because he threatened officers on July 4, 2016, and Capps policy is not not to hold anyone exhibiting violent behavior,” states the motion to dismiss. Robert Graham has refuted this claim in an affidavit. He stated that he did not initiate or agree to manage Kenyarda Graham’s committal proceedings. It also claims that Kenyarda Graham was not receiving the proper care because they were held in county jail. The county, for its part, has denied any wrongdoings in Kenyarda’s case. The complaint does not name the dollar amount Kenyarda Graham seeks, but only damages and reasonable expenses that were incurred during litigation. Court filings have also indicated that qualified immunity should be granted to all defendants. This protects government officials so long as they don’t violate any constitutional rights or break any law. The litigation is currently at a standstill. The case is currently in limbo.