Here’s why five-star recruits rarely stay for more than four years. Although there have been some exceptions, Manning is the most prominent. I didn’t see the point in watching a player who would likely leave the league when he is eligible for the NFL Draft in 2019. After three years of high school, college players can apply for the draft. Although I didn’t expect Patterson to beat Chad Kelly, I expected him to play some time and be available to take over if Kelly was hurt. I assumed that Patterson and Hugh Freeze had come to an agreement that Patterson would be around beyond the 2019 draft, and perhaps even the 2020 draft. If that is the case, I wouldn’t pull the red shirt from Patterson nine games into the season, with the Rebels having a 4-5 record and games remaining against Vanderbilt, Texas A&M, and Mississippi State. A chance to play in a lower-tier bowl is not worth the year of eligibility for one our most revered recruits. Yes, I understand that the goal is win as many games in a season as possible. These are extraordinary circumstances if Patterson is as exceptional as we’ve been led to believe. (And this is without even considering the possibility that Patterson could self-impose a one year bowl ban to get that out of the way in the event that the NCAA’s investigation goes wrong. Jason Pellerin would be my quarterback for the remainder of the season. In limited playing time, he has demonstrated potential. This is just my opinion. We will soon find out about Freeze’s.