Mississippi News Nonprofit Both the Senate and House passed legislation this year that would raise salaries for public school teachers. On Tuesday night, Senate leaders defeated a Senate bill that was due to expire on Tuesday. This forced Senate leaders to adopt a House bill as the vehicle for giving Mississippi teachers a raise. Although the House bill survived, it is possible that either chamber could pass a plan. The House bill is nearly $220 million annually. The Senate bill is more expensive at $230 million. Both bills offer $2,000 raises to teacher assistants. The House bill is passed in one year. This is the key difference. Although the Senate proposal is phased over two years, the majority of the salary increases in the Senate bill are in the first year. The Senate plan gives teacher assistants a $1,000 salary increase in the first year, and a further $1,000 raise in the second. The House plan gives teacher assistants a $2,000 raise in the first year. Most likely, the question of teacher pay will not be resolved until the end of the session when Senate and House leaders meet in a conference to discuss the differences. The following two charts will provide information for teachers and anyone who wants to compare their salaries under the Senate and House plans. To see the salaries of teachers with different levels of education and experience, click on the drop-downs. House plan: Senate Plan: To support this work, make a recurring gift today to celebrate our Spring Member Drive. This will allow us to continue important work such as this one.