Mississippi Today is taking me to the Delta tomorrow, Friday. The Delta is a place I love for reasons that are sometimes hard to understand. It’s a land full of extremes, which may explain why it captures my imagination so well. There are some of my best short stories. It and the Gulf Coast hold the title of most suitable settings for stories. Perhaps it’s the rich soil, or the chemical spray from a crop duster flying above that inspires me. We’ll never know. Talking of agricultural pilots, I enjoy watching the pilots fly their yellow aircrafts across the fields spraying whatever they spray with precision that is beyond the abilities of mortal pilots. The Blue Angels would have seen the aerial ballet and thought, “Well damn. It’s great! Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to Clarksdale. Friday night, I will be in Greenville (and wearing a tux). Both communities have been home to me recently, and I know people from both. It will be a fun trip filled with warmth and laughter. This space will have photos and descriptions of what I see. Keep watching.