* The cash reserves of Jackson State University have decreased by 89 percent in the past four years, from $37million to $4 million. The Institutes of Higher Learning hired an accounting analytics firm to analyze the university’s finances from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2016. This was to identify patterns in spending and make cost-savings proposals. JSU released a statement saying that it is aware of its financial problems and plans to add $10 million to its cash reserves over the next fiscal year. * Mississippi’s first quarter revenue collection could be the lowest in six years. Recent reports from state economists indicated that revenues totaled just $ 1 billion. This would mean that revenues are $26 million lower than what was estimated in March for the current fiscal, which began July 1. Mississippi Today examined first quarter forecasts from 2003 to determine that this was the worst performance of the fiscal year since the Great Recession. Governor. Phil Bryant said he would work with legislative leaders to make the necessary adjustments in the second year of the budget. Economists blame the quarter’s slowing revenues on unanticipated Department of Revenue costs. According to officials, Mississippi has a higher percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who have left hospice care in Mississippi than any other state. This shows that the state is still struggling with Medicare fraud. According to data from the centers of Medicare and Medicaid, Mississippi hospice providers had discharged more than 20 percent of Medicare patients. Nationally, the average is 11%. The national average is 11 percent. Chris Covington, assistant special agent at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspection General, stated that there was no other explanation for the high rate of live discharge.