He explained that they stopped and ran through all the red-meat-eaters, smokers, hard-drinkers, and smokers they knew as boys. They could only come up with one name in the end. “That was a community responsibility, because you are losing resources. Brokaw stated that if a banker, teacher or doctor dies due to not paying attention to their health it becomes a community responsibility. Brokaw spoke to a packed crowd of 244 at the Grammy Museum Mississippi, and said that this is true for every state in the nation. Brokaw was in Mississippi to launch the Delta Conversation. The event will benefit the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi. This charity focuses on education and health issues in the Delta. Friday’s conversation was about health. Brokaw’s recent diagnosis of cancer, which he wrote about in his 2015 book A Lucky Life Interrupted, A Memoir of Hope, focused on Brokaw and the current health challenges facing the Mississippi Delta. Andy Lack, chairman of NBC News and founder of Mississippi Today joined him on the stage. Brokaw, at 76, is a picture of health, even with his battle with cancer. The former NBC anchor, however, has always held himself up to higher standards. He is well-known in the news media for his endurance — he was the anchor for the World Trade Center attack coverage for 15 hours straight on September 11, 2001. But he is just as tough in his personal life. After his 73rd Birthday, he biked across Chile and Argentina. He said that his diagnosis of multiple myeloma in 2013 rocked him, changing his outlook on his health and the health of his community. Brokaw said that he has access to top-quality doctors and resources. His cancer is being managed with a variety of medications and treatments. “But across America there are people who don’t have that access.” Brokaw and Lack also discussed media’s role in the 2016 election, particularly Monday’s highly-rated debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Lack stated that he had spent three weeks preparing the debate with his team of reporters and researchers from NBC. He also came out to defend Lester Holt as moderator, who was criticized by some for not limiting the number of candidates. “The stakes were high. Lack stated that this election was unlike any other we have seen in our lifetime. “We tried to make it a debate, not a (question-and-answer) format. The candidates were able to reveal themselves at a deeper level. This is the point of a debate.” However, many conversations reverted to Brokaw’s personal experience with cancer and the impact it had on his treatment. Brokaw stated that cancer can affect not only the patient but also the entire family. Brokaw said that cancer can affect not only the patient but also the entire family. He received his treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital, New York. Brokaw believes he is fortunate to have access to cutting-edge therapies that aren’t available to the majority of Americans. Brokaw stated that “We should work harder” and is beginning to do so. And the great healthcare institutions are doing more to reach these remote areas. It’s not only the responsibility of the bottom up, but also the responsibility of the top. Brokaw stressed that good health is the most important thing for an individual or family. He also suggested that people reach out to their communities and help their friends and neighbors stay healthy. Brokaw stated that cancer is common in all communities and that caregivers are available to help. Brokaw encouraged everyone to care for the community. To support this important work, you can make a regular donation to the Spring Member Drive today. Our reporters give a human face to policy’s impact on everyday Mississippians by listening more closely and understanding their communities. To ensure that our work is aligned with the priorities and needs of all Mississippians, we are listening to you. Click the button below to let us know what you think.