After Debbie Rubisoff, Legislative Budget Office Director, notified Lt. Governor. Tate Reeves, House Speaker Philip Gunn and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee co-chair Philip Gunn were notified by Debbie Rubisoff of Greer’s retirement in October. Mississippi Today’s reporter caught the Mississippi Today budget leaders congratulating Greer Wednesday in the Capitol. Wednesday afternoon, the committee announced Greer’s appointment to the staff of the budget office. Gunn and Reeves released a statement announcing the appointment, stating that Greer will take over his position on November 21. “It is an honor to work with Speaker Gunn, and Lieutenant Governor. Greer stated in the statement that Reeves will continue to implement fiscally conservative policies that help Mississippians save tax dollars. Rubisoff, who was the LBO’s director since February 2011, has decided to retire after 36 years of service. Just five days before 2017’s legislative session, Rubisoff will officially retire. Rubisoff stated Wednesday morning that she will be 62 in January and has plenty of time to retire. “I’m ready for something new, to spend some time with my grandchildren. On October 7, I informed the speaker and lieutenant governor of my decision. “I didn’t want them to have enough time to find a replacement director,” Gunn said. Rubisoff was “a long-serving public servant and we are grateful for her vast knowledge about the budget process.” I look forward working with Tony to continue to streamline agency efficiency and the budgeting process.” Reeves stated that Rubisoff “has been a long-serving public servant, and we thank her for sharing her extensive knowledge of the budget process.” Greer was a former Clinton alderman. He also served as the president of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors from 2014 to 2015. Greer ran unsuccessfully for the central district Public Service Commission in 2015. Greer has been Madison County administrator since then. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Mississippi College. He was also Treasurer for Gunn’s Reelection Campaign. The Legislative Budget Office plays an integral role in the budget and appropriations processes in Mississippi state government. The office receives budget requests from state agencies and compiles them. They then make their recommendations for the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. This usually happens in November. The committee decides whether or not to proceed with the budget request and uses it as a template to create appropriations bills for individual departments and agencies. The Legislative Budget Office staff supports the Senate and House committees on appropriations, finance and tracks revenue, bonds, tax changes, and revenue changes during legislative sessions and fiscal year. The office also prepares historical documents to track spending and appropriations, and provides information about spending and budgeting to legislators as well as the general public. Legislative Budget Office staff had to delay final bulletins for more than a month after the 2016 session due to enacted legislation which complimented the final budget process. Many agency heads were critical of lawmakers’ inability to pass a bill that would have swept special funds into general fund. Rubisoff stated that she would assist Greer in the transition._x000D