Smith and Jasper counties filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Hinds County Chancery Court. They claimed that the governor’s proclamation is beyond the emergency management law’s powers. Indicted are the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, state departments of Transportation and Public Safety, and Mississippi Department of Transportation and Public Safety. “The closure of these bridges has caused widespread and significant hardship for the citizens of these counties.” These hardships include the rerouting school buses, which caused inconveniences for parents and their children; the increased chance that citizens will need emergency medical attention and the ability to respond to them; law enforcement being able respond to these situations; and firefighters being delayed in the case of a major fire.” J.D. Marc E. Brand & Associates represents the counties. Sanford is an attorney. Additionally, the counties claim that the closures have caused disruption to industry. Bryant’s April 10th order to the state transportation division to close bridges throughout the state is the subject of the lawsuit. These complaints mirror those of county officials and residents who spoke to Mississippi Today recently. They expressed concern about the emergency-services personnel, and also complained about the extra time it took to get around detours. Bryant’s office didn’t immediately respond to Mississippi Today’s request for comment. However, Geoff Pender obtained a statement from Bryant that independent inspectors had deemed the brides unfit to marry: “I refuse not to sit idly and risk losing my life. If counties had done their jobs, I wouldn’t have needed to exercise my authority. This will protect those who elected them. He told the Clarion-Ledger that his top priority will be to ensure public safety and that he will do everything in his power to accomplish this mission. Mississippi Today’s complete coverage of bridge closures