/White-tailed deer gun season opens Saturday

White-tailed deer gun season opens Saturday

A Friday press release from the state Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks division reminded residents about the hunting season. According to the release, legal deer includes legal bucks and antlerless bucks on private lands as well as legal bucks on open public land. One buck per day is the limit for antlered bucks, but not more than three per season. The department stated that there are specific management areas where hunters need to be aware of these limits. The department stated that hunting with dogs is permitted during this season. Hunting with dogs is allowed during this season. Hunters are encouraged to have good hunting ethics and to follow all safety rules in order to avoid firearm-related accidents. Hunting deer in any firearms season is a responsibility of hunters. Hunters must have full visibility to at least five hundred inches of solid, unbroken fluorescent orange. This applies unless they are hunting in a stand that is less than twelve feet above the ground or in an enclosed blind or stand. Hunters must still wear hunter orange when they travel to and from their stand. According to a department news release, all persons born after January 1, 1972 must complete a hunter education class before they can purchase a Mississippi hunting licence. Every Mississippi resident between 16 and 64 years old must have a hunting licence, except when hunting on lands that are titled in his/her names.