The Sporting News published an article about Clark’s chances of getting into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Clark is the first veteran to be on the veterans’ ballot. Graham Womack, the writer wrote about the complicated case for Clark. I agree. Clark is not allowed in purely on the basis of numbers. Womack basically says the same thing, but adds that Clark’s numbers will improve if you consider other factors. Again, I agree. Clark retired with 2,176 hits, 284 home runs and 284 RBIs. These numbers aren’t Hall of Fame numbers. However, he spent most of his career at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. This is where many home runs are made. Clark decided to retire early in order to spend more time with his son who is autistic. Clark, 36 years old, was healthy and at the top his game. He could have played at most four more seasons, and he would have significantly increased his hits and home run numbers. He hit.303 with more than 8,000 plate appearances. He was his best when he was in the clutch. He was not without reason called Will the Thrill. Clark has a 40% chance of reaching Cooperstown thanks to Womack. You can read the entire story of Clark’s journey here.