Robert Shuler Smith, Hinds County District Attorney, was the only Democratic candidate for governor who held an elected office. Media outlets called Hood the winner after the final count of 40 percent. It appeared that Hood had received less than 70% of the vote as of Tuesday night. Michael Brown, Lorman minister, has just under 11 percent. Shuler Smith was at 7 percent. We can do it. Hood spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at his watch party at Duling Hall, Jackson. “We are halfway home.” Mike Espy, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, introduced Hood, Mississippi’s only statewide elected Democrat. Espy was the first African American to be elected to the U.S. Senate in Mississippi since Reconstruction. He ran for and lost the election last year. Hood must win the November election with a strong turnout of black voters, and a greater percentage of white voters than any other Democrats seeking to become governor. Ronnie Musgrove was the last Democrat elected to a gubernatorial race in 1999. Espy assured the crowd Hood would work to benefit all Mississippians, not just those from working families. Espy stated that Jim Hood transformed the attorney’s office into an office that resembles Mississippi. Mississippi is diverse. Mississippi is inclusive. Jim Hood has done this every day.” Hood was flanked by Debbie and Anna Belle, his daughter Anna Belle and said to the crowd that he would continue his efforts to improve education, healthcare, and transportation. Hood also criticized the numerous tax cuts that the Republican-controlled Legislature had passed in recent years. He said that the state would be able to solve its problems without the “corporate giveaways.”