The full Senate chamber will vote on Thursday. It would be sent to the House for a vote. However, some political observers believe that its passage is less likely. House Speaker Philip Gunn stated last week that “candidly” this was not a top issue for him. Gov. Tate Reeves was critical of the earlier bill’s ability to allow patients too much marijuana. He refused to call special legislative sessions for it this summer or fall. The amount was slightly reduced in a late amendment, though it is not clear if this would stop a Reeves-veto. As he dealt with several amendments in committee, Sen. Kevin Blackwell (R-Southaven), stated that the more we delay this, the longer it will take to debate it. READ MORE: Mississippi politicians tinker with medical marijuana lawmakers attempt to reinstate a medical marijuana program that was passed by voters in 2020. However, it was thrown out of court on technical grounds. The conservative state legislature has struggled with this issue for years despite increasing voter sentiment and even a citizen-passed initiative to legalize medical marijuana. Blackwell stated that while it’s not perfect, the bill was conservative and reflected the intent of Initiative 65. He also said that the bill would be within that framework. Blackwell said that he and other legislative officials looked at programs from other states to find best practices and avoidance. Over the summer, the Senate Public Health Committee held hearings on the topic. Blackwell stated that “we did a lot to stop us becoming Oklahoma.” The Sooner State’s medical program has evolved into a recreational de facto program. It has been plagued by abuses and infiltration of organized crime and black markets. READ MORE: What regulation should Mississippi’s medical marijuana be? Blackwell stated that it is expected that about 24,000 Mississippians will be eligible for medical marijuana use within the first year. This number could rise to around 125,000 in five years. Angie Calhoun is the founder of the Mississippi Cannabis Patients Alliance, and an advocate for Initiative 65. She said that she was pleased with Wednesday’s bill and optimistic about its eventual passage into law. Calhoun stated that she believes Sen. Blackwell did an outstanding job on this bill and that he has put in a lot of effort. “As he stated, the longer that we delay this, the more patients who are suffering will have to wait,” she said. Tate Reeves evades promised medical marijuana session Sen. Barbara Blackmon (D-Canton) unsuccessfully attempted to amend Wednesday’s bill to allow outdoor cultivation. She said this would make it easier for Mississippi farmers to get into the business. Lee Yancey (R-Brandon), has been working with Blackwell for several months on the measure and is leading the House movement to get it passed there. Yancey stated that “I believe we’re ready for it to get through the House.” “I expect a conclusion soon in this long process. This is a great accomplishment for Sen. Blackwell, and all the yeomen who worked on it. I look forward to patients having an alternative to opioids.” Here are some details about Senate Bill 2095, The Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act of 2022.