She knew she could beat to a beat, despite not having a drum set nor taking lessons from professionals. She gathered stacks of books on her bed and set them up in the form of a drum kit. Brent, who hosts “Jackson Soul of the City” June 30, at Duling Hall, said that this is how she was as a child. Brent, who goes by Rita B, was a beatin’ fool as a child. It was from this same pose that she learned to be a comedian. All of these traits helped her become a charming, funny, and commanding entertainer who continues taking the world by storm. Brent stated, “It’s weird because in general discussions I’m very shy.” “I suffer from social anxiety. I don’t like being in big crowds. I don’t like being in public. It’s a different kinda of release when I’m on stage. “I can be someone else than I am. Perhaps it’s an issue of self-esteem, or insecurity, where I don’t know if my skills are good enough. However, I am a great drummer when I’m on stage. I am a comedian. It’s easy to spot her shyness on stage. Her jokes are quick and sharp, with a certain authority that draws attention to her audience. Brent, who was a nine-year National Guard veteran, stated, “I’m very straight forward on stage. And often, before even speaking, I get asked, ‘Were your in the military? Brent asked, “Are you a police officer? Because I have this stern demeanor when on stage.” He noticed a late attendee looking for a place at OffBeat Jackson last summer. “Come on, come on ‘cross, you already late. She said, looking down at the man who was hurrying to his place. Her routine focuses on race and bodily functions. “I just turned 30. She said that she can feel the changes in her body at OffBeat. “Ever since turning 30, it’s felt like my stomach is just being torn apart all the time. It’s not something I know. You see, white folk, you don’t know what “torn up” means. But Brent still drums with the local Heart Society group. Since Brent turned 18 years old, comedy has been her full-time job. The comedy world, including Kevin Hart, are glad she did. Brent was selected as an act in Hart of the City, Hart’s Comedy Central series that seeks out up-and-coming comedians from different cities. The Jackson-based episode aired in November. She said, “It was certainly unexpected.” “I was afraid I would have to leave to experience some of the success I’ve had. It’s been amazing that so many doors have opened despite me being based in Jackson.” Brent also landed a gig with Rickey Smiley in 2016, after they struck up a friendship after a show held in Alabama. As a featured act, she toured the East coast and Southeast as part of his show “Rickey smiley and Friends.” Although she considers herself a relative newcomer in comedy, her popularity has skyrocketed since she started stand-up at 26 years old. After graduating from Murrah High school, she joined the National Guard and then went to Jackson State University for broadcast production. After graduating from Murrah High School, she worked as a producer and radio host for Mississippi Public Broadcasting for six years. She was also a presenter and host on “In Legal Terms”, “Everyday Tech” and “Next Stop Mississippi.” Some state workers who are undergoing sexual harassment training may recognize her voice during a webcast by the state personnel board. Comedy was not something Brent had considered until 2013. “Every time I see my high school classmates, they say, You were always funny.’ And I reply, Yeah! She recalled. My story is different than many comedians I know who said they were destined to become comedians as children. “I knew I wanted to become an entertainer but I thought I would pursue the musician route,” she said. She was a child who watched shows like Martin, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and The Cosby Show. But, she didn’t realize that Bill Cosby or Martin Lawrence were stand-up comedians. Although she didn’t have a passion for comedy, Rita was able to use her wit to keep up her peers. Brent jokingly said, “I would say that (being funny was) a cool tool. It’s a tool to make you cool.” I was always the minority because I was a female drummer. I found myself in places where there were many boys so I had no choice but to just hang out with them. Boys tease each others all the time so I had to learn how to do it back. It was a dream that would become a career. It’s still surreal.” Ezra Wall was a coworker with Brent at MPB. He said that he and his colleagues were somewhat surprised by Brent’s career shift from radio host to a journalist. He said that she was a great person to be around. “But she wasn’t always the first to make a joke. She would let others do it. She was open to letting others have a good time. It was partly why I and others were a bit surprised when she said, “Hey guys! I think I’m going be a comedian!” She wasn’t the first to put herself in the limelight. She has really shined once she is out there.” Brent is currently trying to expand her reach via different platforms. Along with Maranda Joiner, her radio personality, and Roderick Richardson (known as “The Relationship Coach”), she launched a comedy podcast series live on May 11. Brent and her guests host “Comeback Chicks” where they discuss current events while playing Uno. Brent is well-known for making prayer videos. She often sits in her car and looks at her phone camera, asking God for help in dealing with current events. She starts one video by praying, “Dear Heavenly father and Student Loan Jesus,” Sallie Mae probably doesn’t have a Bible. She ain’t forgiven yet.” “Dear Heavenly Dad and Soft Serve Jesus,” she begins in another video. We come to you McSick McTired that McDonald’s ice-cream machines are breaking all around the globe, Lord. Her reach is expanding with prayer videos. Her videos, along with her Facebook followers, helped her book gigs throughout Ohio, Illinois, and the Virgin Islands. Brent in Jackson recognizes that the comedy scene is still growing and some see her as a leader for that development. You have to take it seriously. It’s not like being a class clown. She said that she’s seen people do two shows, then quit. Respect the craft is essential. This may be something Jackson is lacking in respect for the craft. “You know, Tig Notaro (comedian), has moved on. Marvin Hunter, J.J. Williamson and Karlous Miller are all gone. There are no veteran leaders in the city to look up to. While I may be that person to some, I am still learning and developing myself so I don’t want the role of that person. There is still a lot to be done in order to develop a respectable, stable comedy scene in the city. It’s still in its early stages, so it’s not very impressive to outsiders.” Brent’s own growth is helping her to get more comfortable with hour-long sets. She is also getting used to sharing more personal and deeper material than she was used to. She said, “Now I’m talking to being divorced in mine.” “I haven’t done that for a while. Now, I think, “Eh, why don’t you?” It’s not secret. It was sensitive at first. I felt ashamed. Now I don’t care. There are many divorced people in the world, and as a comedian, it’s easy to make fun of my own stuff.” Wall knew Brent as an introverted, deep-thinking, and worked with her at MPB. She believes her intelligence and hard work will propel her to the top. He said that Brent’s decision to perform comedy was logical in hindsight. “She isn’t just a funny person to have around, but she also wants to learn what makes funny things funny.” Brent spoke in a TEDx Talk titled “Funny Women” in which she addressed the stereotypes people have about women comedians. She said that comedy is not about being feminine or ladylike, but more about authenticity and being human. “I believe that we all have shared experiences as humans. “And as a female comedian I should have the rights to talk about those experiences as a man comedian.” She then turned her thoughtful insight into a sarcastic joke, which is one of her favorite bits. She said, “At some point, all of us must do the number 2 at work.” This is a great experience for me as a comedian. It has nothing to do witty, but it does have everything to do authentically. Elton Pope, a local promoter, says that Brent has star potential. Her material is universal. He said that it was everyday material. “I am witnessing a butterfly grow from a cocoon. She has worked hard to get where she is today. She is a great mover and shaker from her stardom. She has all the talent she needs to be like Kevin Hart.” Brent stated that while she’s not sure how her younger self would see her career, she knows she would be happy. She said, “Very surprised.” “Almost unbelievable. It’s possible, but I don’t know if it is. The entertainment bug has always been there. It just didn’t occur to me that it would lead to this type of entertainment. I’m probably more proud than surprised. You are proud that you took the risk and did it, even though you were scared. You are pursuing excellence. It’s a lot of pride. Tickets for Jackson: Soul of the City are now available online. You can find Rita B’s upcoming appearances on her website or social media.