Bryant signed the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience From Government Discrimination Act” on April 5. It goes into effect July 1. This law allows government workers and owners of private businesses to refuse service to individuals. It applies to same-sex couples who want to get married, transgender people, and couples that are having sex beyond marriage. Bryant stated that the bill did not restrict any constitutionally protected rights and actions of citizens of this state, whether they were under state or federal laws. Bryant signed the bill. Bryant made a statement after signing the bill. Kaplan wrote that HB 1523 was silent about how Mississippians, gay men and lesbians alike, will be protected by the new’recusal system. Rachael Ring spokeswoman for Hood and said that Hood had received the letter. She will reply to it when appropriate. Kaplan gave the state May 2 as a deadline to present their plan to Campaign for Southern Equality so that they could evaluate whether further relief is needed from the Court.