Below is a list of the federal and state positions and the candidates for each. The sample ballot that was compiled by Secretary of State’s Office is also available to voters. You can use the Secretary of State’s Polling Place Locator to find out where you will vote and what your ballot looks like. President and Vice President of United States U.S. House of Representatives 1st Congressional district: Reform — Cathy L. toole 2nd Congressional district: 4th Congressional district: Judicial Elections (Mississippi Law calls for nonpartisan judicial races). Position 3: Supreme Court Justice – District 1 (Central), Position 4: Supreme Court Justice – District 2 (Southern), position 2: Supreme Court Justice – District 3 (Northern), position 1: Court of Appeals Judge — District 10, Judge — Circuit Court Judge Appeals Judge –Dion Court Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge a Circuit Court Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Electr Court Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge s District 10: Circuit Court Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge Appeals Judge (Dislea Cathy L.