Sherman knew Scott’s endorsement would prove crucial in the forthcoming runoff between him and David Baria, state representative. Scott, an African American state representative and long-time legislator, received 20,000 votes, but did not reach the runoff. These 20,000 votes could swing the election, even though Sherman and Baria were separated by less than 1,000 votes on June 5. Sela Ward, his wife, drove to Laurel with him to take Scott to dinner. Sherman said that he felt there were tears within ten minutes. “Here and Sela connected at a primal level, women-to-woman. She and I connected at the idea level. She said, “I really want you to endorse me.” Scott publicly endorsed Sherman the next day on the steps at Laurel City Hall. It is clear that both Sherman and Baria are trying to win the support of black voters as they enter week three of the runoff. Black voters make up the majority of the Democratic voter base in Mississippi and across the country. Three out of four Democratic primary voters in Mississippi are African American. Both of the runoff candidates, who are both white, have shown they can understand the importance of endorsements and support from black political leaders. Sherman was wooing Scott while Baria and his campaign staff worked their phones. Baria held a press conference less than a week following the primary. He was flanked by 12 members of the Legislative Black Caucus. Mississippi Today was told by several black members of the caucus that they could not support Baria’s candidacy because Scott, their colleague in law, was also running. Baria met with members of the black caucus to discuss their strategy and approach to getting voters in their districts to vote for Baria after she was unable to make it to the runoff. Robert Johnson, D.Natchez, stated that David (Baria), is a strong democratic voice within the Mississippi legislature. “We need his intellect and understanding of policy and legislative processes and his commitment for social and equal justice at the U.S. Senate.” Baria seems to have gained support from Democratic officials. According to Arielle Dreher, Arielle Dreher, of the Jackson Free Press, Bennie Thompson, the U.S. Rep., who has been long considered the most powerful and influential black politician of the state, took the bold step of returning a campaign donation Sherman had made earlier in the year. Thompson stated to the JFP that it would have been disingenuous of me to accept a contribution from someone running for office. It could be interpreted that I am. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 38 percent of Mississippi’s population is made up of African Americans. This makes them one of the most influential voting blocs in state Democratic politics. As a result, even in the Republican-controlled state Legislature, there are 52 black lawmakers in the state House and Senate. Thompson is the only African-American delegate to Mississippi. He said, “So you end-up with these generational chains of poverty. It’s very difficult for us to get out of that.” Sherman also stressed the importance of expanding economic opportunities in underserved communities. “We must bring jobs to the African American areas (of the state). They are looking for vocational training. Sherman spoke on Mississippi Today’s podcast in separate interview. Sherman stated that core programs can finance it, provided they match it with a company coming in. Sherman said that he wants to attract employers by working with banks to advance funding vocational training. Once the employer moves and starts hiring local workers, the municipality will repay the loan. It generates jobs, which creates a tax base. The local municipality also takes additional money that they wouldn’t get anyway, and repays the bank. Sherman stated that if you have jobs, then you have a tax basis. Mississippi political operatives plan to duplicate several methods used to bring black voters to the polls in the special U.S. Senate election that took place in Alabama in 2017. In Alabama, Democrat Doug Jones beat Republican candidate and ex-judge Roy Moore. Woke Vote, an initiative to empower millennials to vote, was one of several new Alabama political groups. To mobilize black women and students to vote, the group visited historically black colleges, universities, and churches in Alabama. Numerous NAACP chapters in Alabama called voters, and went door to door encouraging African Americans vote. The organization used a text messaging campaign to reach more than 160,000 African-Americans in the state. It claimed that 90% of those reached would vote. The win of Jones was largely attributable to black women. Exit polling data revealed that Jones won the support of 96 percent black women and 93 percent black men. Focusing on African-American women will attract the men. African-American women have influence in our families and communities. This is the key point. “And as men, we listen and we listen” to our wives, Alabama House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels said to NBC News shortly after election. Laurie Roberts, the founder of Mississippi Reproductive Fund, stated that to attract black voters, candidates must do more than just publicize endorsements from high-profile African American supporters. Roberts stated that there is a misconception that black people are monolithic and that if one black leader makes the call, then all we have to do is say “Oh O.K., that’s who we’re with.” But Roberts added that we don’t follow every word that comes out prominently from black people. Jacqueline Amos is the state field director of the Mississippi Democratic Party. She said that candidates can attract the attention and votes of black women simply by meeting them at their place. “Go to meetings, knock on their doors, and meet them in small groups of three to four. She said that you should craft a message about what they lack and what you can do to help them. “Don’t keep telling us about the problems. We need to know: Do we have a solution? Contributing: R.L. Nave