Holland, a novelist and award-winning journalist, joins a long line of Star of Hope recipients, including Morgan Freeman and Archie and Olivia Manning, Sela Ward, Sela Ward, and Sen. Thad cochran. Our 19th annual black tie Crystal Ball gala is expected to draw over 1,000 people. In a news release, Emily and Patrick Johnson, co-chairs, said that this year’s theme will be “Super Heroes: Use Your Powers to Good” and that there will be lots of surprises, a fantastic dinner, silent and live auctions, and dancing to the Fifth Kind. According to a news release, “The Community Foundation” is an incredible organization that improves the quality life in Northwest Mississippi. It has distributed $22.1million to support over 700 charitable organizations and activities, as well as charitable programs, to date. Holland is a Holly Springs native who studied at the University of Mississippi. He is also the author of “The Invisibles: The Hidden Story of African American Slaves inside the White House” as well as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Finn’s Story”. Holland was present at the Mississippi Humanities Council’s July 14 Summit in Jackson. It addressed the role of journalism in democracy and the challenges it faces.